Writes the benchmark data to a specified file, including method, speedup, elapsed time, flops, and other details.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(benchmark), | intent(inout) | :: | this |
Benchmark object |
impure subroutine write_benchmark(this) !! author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi !! Writes the benchmark data to a specified file, including method, speedup, elapsed time, flops, and other details. !! class(benchmark), intent(inout) :: this !! Benchmark object integer :: nunit !! Unit number for file access character(len=53) :: fmt1 !! Format for write character(len=82) :: fmt2 !! Format for write logical :: exist !! Logical variable for file existence integer :: iostat !! I/O status integer :: lm lm = 20-len_trim(this%marks(this%imark)%method) write(fmt1,'(a,g0,a)')& '(a,',lm,'x,3x,E20.14,3x,E20.14,3x,g8.0,3x,*(g8.0,3x))' inquire(file=this%filename_image, exist=exist, iostat=iostat) if (iostat /= 0 .or. .not. exist) then error stop 'file '//trim(this%filename_image)//' does not exist or cannot be accessed.' end if open (newunit = nunit, file = this%filename_image, access = 'append') write(nunit,fmt1) & this%marks(this%imark)%method,& this%marks_co(this%imark)%time%elapsed_time,& this%marks_co(this%imark)%flops,& this%nloops,& this%argi close(nunit) if (this_image() == 1) then write(fmt2,'(a,g0,a)')& '(a,',lm,'x,3x,F12.6,3x,E20.14,3x,E20.14,3x,E20.14,3x,E20.14,3x,g8.0,3x,*(g20.0,3x))' inquire(file=this%filename, exist=exist, iostat=iostat) if (iostat /= 0 .or. .not. exist) then error stop 'file '//trim(this%filename)//' does not exist or cannot be accessed.' end if open (newunit = nunit, file = this%filename, access = 'append') write(nunit,fmt2) & this%marks(this%imark)%method,& this%marks(this%imark)%speedup_max_total,& this%marks(this%imark)%elapsed_time_max,& this%marks(this%imark)%elapsed_time_min,& this%marks(this%imark)%elapsed_time_average,& this%marks(this%imark)%flops_total,& this%nloops,& this%argi close(nunit) end if end subroutine write_benchmark