pure subroutine pure_subroutine(x, n, y)
use fordebug
implicit none
real(rk), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(rk), intent(out), allocatable :: y(:)
integer :: i
type(timer) :: t
! Print Rank 0 real64 with a message and format. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='x = ', R0r64=x, format='(a,f7.3)')
! Write Rank 0 real64 with a message and format to a file. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='x = ', R0r64=x, format='(a,f7.3)', file='example/demo.txt', access='append')
! Print Rank 0 int32 with a message and format. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='n = ', R0i32=n, format='(a,i3)')
! Write Rank 0 int32 with a message and format to a file. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='n = ', R0i32=n, format='(a,i3)', file='example/demo.txt', access='append')
! Print Rank 0 character with a format. format is optional
call pwrite(R0ch='start loop', format='(a)')
! Write Rank 0 character with a format to a file. format, access are optional
call pwrite(R0ch='start loop', format='(a)', file='example/demo.txt', access='append')
y(1) = 0.0_rk
! start pure timer
call ptimer_start(t)
do concurrent (i=2:n)
y(i) = y(i-1) + x
! Print Rank 0 real64 with a message and format. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='y(i) = ', R0r64=y(i), format='(a,f7.3)')
! Write Rank 0 real64 with a message and format to a file. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='y(i) = ', R0r64=y(i), format='(a,f7.3)', file='example/demo.txt', access='append')
end do
! stop pure timer
call ptimer_stop(t)
! Print Rank 0 real64 with a message and format. message and format are optional
call pwrite(R0ch='end loop', format='(a)') ! format is optional
! Write Rank 0 real64 with a message and format to a file. message and format are optional
call pwrite(R0ch='end loop', format='(a)', file='example/demo.txt', access='append')
! Print Rank 0 real64 with a message and format. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='y = ',R1r64=y)
! Write Rank 0 real64 with a message and format to a file. message and format are optional
call pwrite(message='y = ',R1r64=y, file='example/demo.txt', access='append')
end subroutine pure_subroutine