Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
allocate_colors | lut | Subroutine | |
allocate_pixels | pnm | Subroutine | Allocates memory for the pixels of the PNM image. |
aspect_ratio | pnm | Subroutine | Calculates the aspect ratio of the image. Required for |
average_colors | pnm | Subroutine | Calculates the average color values of the image. Required for |
brighten | pnm | Subroutine | Brightens or darkens the image. Only supported for PGM and PPM images. |
check | example26 | Subroutine | |
check_pixel_range | pnm | Subroutine | Checks if the pixel values are within the valid range. |
cmyk_to_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
convert | forcolor | Subroutine | |
copy_color | forcolor | Subroutine | |
crop | pnm | Subroutine | Crops the image to a specified region. |
deallocate_lut | lut | Subroutine | |
deallocate_pnm | pnm | Subroutine | Deallocates memory for the PNM image. |
decimal_to_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
export | lut | Subroutine | |
export_pnm | pnm | Subroutine | Writes the PNM image to a file. |
find_nearest | forcolor | Subroutine | |
flip_horizontal | pnm | Subroutine | Flips the image horizontally. |
flip_vertical | pnm | Subroutine | Flips the image vertically. |
get | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_b | forcolor | Function | |
get_cmyk | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_colors | lut | Function | |
get_decimal | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_dim_colors | lut | Function | |
get_format | pnm | Function | Gets the encoding of the PNM image. |
get_g | forcolor | Function | |
get_hex | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_hsl | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_hsv | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_name | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_num_colors | lut | Function | |
get_r | forcolor | Function | |
get_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
get_xyz | forcolor | Subroutine | |
greyscale | pnm | Subroutine | Converts a color image to greyscale. Only supported for PPM images. |
hex_to_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
hsl_to_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
hsv_to_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
import | lut | Subroutine | |
import_pnm | pnm | Subroutine | Reads a PNM image from a file. |
initialize_colors | forcolor | Subroutine | |
mandelbrot | demo_ppm | Function | |
negative | pnm | Subroutine | Inverts the colors of the image. |
pixel_size | pnm | Subroutine | Calculates imgae size in KB and MB. Required for |
forcolor | Subroutine | ||
print_available_colors | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_cmyk | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_decimal | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_hex | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_hsl | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_hsv | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_info | pnm | Subroutine | Displays information about the image e.g. dimensions, aspect ratio, etc. |
print_name | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
print_xyz | forcolor | Subroutine | |
read_header | pnm | Subroutine | Reads the header of the PNM image from a file. Required before reading the pixels from the file. |
remove_channels | pnm | Subroutine | Removes one or more RGB channels from the image. Only supported for PPM images. |
resize | pnm | Subroutine | Resizes the image to specified dimensions. |
rgb_to_cmyk | forcolor | Subroutine | |
rgb_to_decimal | forcolor | Subroutine | |
rgb_to_hex | forcolor | Subroutine | |
rgb_to_hsl | forcolor | Subroutine | |
rgb_to_hsv | forcolor | Subroutine | |
rgb_to_xyz | forcolor | Subroutine | |
rotate | pnm | Subroutine | Rotates the image by a specified angle. Supported angles are 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, -270. |
save | forcolor | Subroutine | |
save_available_colors | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set | lut | Subroutine | |
set_by_name | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_cmyk | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_colors | lut | Subroutine | |
set_comment | pnm | Subroutine | Sets a comment for the PNM image. |
set_decimal | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_dim_colors | lut | Subroutine | |
set_file_format | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the file format of the PNM image. Supported values are |
set_format | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the encoding of the PNM image. Supported values are |
set_header | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the header of the PNM image. The header includes the magic number, width, height, comment, and max_color. |
set_height | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the height of the PNM image. |
set_hex | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_hsl | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_hsv | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_magicnumber | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the magic number of the PNM image. Supported values are |
set_max_color | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the maximum color value of the PNM image. Only required for PGM and PPM images |
set_name | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_num_colors | lut | Subroutine | |
set_pixel | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the pixel values of the PNM image. |
set_pixels | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the pixel values of the PNM image. |
set_pnm | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the attributes of the PNM image. |
set_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine | |
set_width | pnm | Subroutine | Sets the width of the PNM image. |
set_xyz | forcolor | Subroutine | |
swap_channels | pnm | Subroutine | Swaps the RGB channels of the image. Only supported for PPM images. |
write_header | pnm | Subroutine | Writes the header of the PNM image to a file. Required before writing the pixels to the file. |
xyz_to_rgb | forcolor | Subroutine |