program test1
! This Fortran test code demonstrates the usage of the inv function to calculate the matrix inverse&
! and verifies the results by comparing them with expected values obtained from MATLAB.
use kinds ! Import the module 'kinds' for precision types
use forinv, only: inv ! Import only the 'inv' function from the 'forinv' module
implicit none
real(rk), dimension(4,3) :: A ! Define a 4x3 matrix A
real(rk), dimension(3,4) :: Ainv, AinvM ! Define matrices Ainv and AinvM
real(rk) :: rel_err
! Initialize matrix A with values
A(1,1) = 0.814723686393179_rk; A(1,2) = 0.632359246225410_rk ; A(1,3) = 0.957506835434298_rk
A(2,1) = 0.905791937075619_rk; A(2,2) = 0.0975404049994095_rk; A(2,3) = 0.964888535199277_rk
A(3,1) = 0.126986816293506_rk; A(3,2) = 0.278498218867048_rk ; A(3,3) = 0.157613081677548_rk
A(4,1) = 0.913375856139019_rk; A(4,2) = 0.546881519204984_rk ; A(4,3) = 0.970592781760616_rk
! Define expected matrix AinvM=inv(A) from MATLAB results
AinvM(1,1) = -11.8748418966254_rk
AinvM(1,2) = -1.88508351433968_rk
AinvM(1,3) = 1.37910840173057_rk
AinvM(1,4) = 13.3647936345720_rk
AinvM(2,1) = -0.232262684677810_rk
AinvM(2,2) = -1.81026044323168_rk
AinvM(2,3) = 1.12793815267075_rk
AinvM(2,4) = 1.84558847033752_rk
AinvM(3,1) = 11.2481704396877_rk
AinvM(3,2) = 2.87726069020400_rk
AinvM(3,3) = -1.70926059704099_rk
AinvM(3,4) = -12.6490061903496_rk
! Calculate the matrix inverse of A using the 'inv' function
Ainv = inv(A)
! Calculate the relative error between MATLAB and Fortran results
rel_err = norm2(Ainv - AinvM)/norm2(AinvM)
print *, "Relative error:", rel_err
if (rel_err < 1e-13_rk) then
print *, "Test 1 passed."
print *, "Test 1 failed!"
end if
end program test1