example_ppm2.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~example_ppm2.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~example_ppm2.f90 example_ppm2.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90 forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm2.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_curve.f90 forcad_nurbs_curve.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90->sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_curve.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_surface.f90 forcad_nurbs_surface.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90->sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_surface.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90->sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90 forcad_utils.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90->sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_curve.f90->sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_surface.f90->sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90->sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90

Source Code

!> Visualization of NURBS surfaces using ForCAD, ForImage and ForColorMap libraries
!> This example converts NURBS surfaces (vector) to an image (raster) using ForCAD, ForImage and ForColorMap libraries.

program example_ppm2

    use forcad, only: rk, nurbs_surface
    use forimage, only: ik, format_pnm, color
    use forcolormap, only: colormap
    use fortime, only: timer

    implicit none
    type(nurbs_surface)      :: shape
    type(format_pnm)         :: image
    type(color)              :: background_color
    type(colormap)           :: cmap
    integer(ik), allocatable :: px(:, :)
    real(rk), allocatable    :: Xg(:,:), z_values(:)
    real(rk)                 :: center(3), inner_radius, outer_radius, aspect_ratio
    integer                  :: height, width, ng(2), red, green, blue, res1, res2, i
    integer, allocatable     :: idx(:,:)
    type(timer)              :: t

    ! Set the image size and calculate the aspect ratio
    width  = 2000
    height = 2000

    aspect_ratio = real(width,rk) / real(height,rk)
    allocate(px(height, 3*width))

    ! Set the background color using ForColor class of ForImage
    call t%timer_start()
    call background_color%set('white', use_library=.true.)

    do i = 1, width
        px(:, 3*(i-1)+1) = background_color%get_r()
        px(:, 3*(i-1)+2) = background_color%get_g()
        px(:, 3*(i-1)+3) = background_color%get_b()
    end do
    call t%timer_stop(message='Setting the background color')

    ! Set a shape object using ForCAD library
    call t%timer_start()
    !> Set the shape parameters for a tetragon
    res1         = 2000
    res2         = 2000

    call shape%set_tetragon(L=[1.0_rk, 1.0_rk], nc=[2,2])
    call shape%create(res1, res2)
    Xg = shape%get_Xg()
    ng = shape%get_ng()
    call shape%finalize()
    call t%timer_stop(message='Creating a tetragon')

    ! Set the z-values of the geometry points
    ! circular gradient
    z_values = ((Xg(:,1) - minval(Xg(:,1))) / (maxval(Xg(:,1)) - minval(Xg(:,1))))**2 &
        + ((Xg(:,2) - minval(Xg(:,2))) / (maxval(Xg(:,2)) - minval(Xg(:,2)))**2)

    ! Set the colormap using ForColorMap library
    call cmap%set('buda',0.0_rk, 1.0_rk)

    ! Set colors to the shape
    call t%timer_start()
    Xg(:,2) = Xg(:,2) * aspect_ratio
    idx(:,1) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,1) * width ) + 1), width )
    idx(:,2) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,2) * height) + 1), height)
    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)
        call cmap%compute_RGB(z_values(i), red, green, blue)
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+1) = red
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+2) = green
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+3) = blue
    end do
    call t%timer_stop(message='Setting the colors')

    ! Set a shape object using ForCAD library
    !> Set the shape parameters for a ring
    call t%timer_start()
    center       = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
    outer_radius = 0.24_rk*2.0_rk
    inner_radius = 0.0_rk*2.0_rk
    res1         = 3500
    res2         = 1000

    center(2) = center(2)/aspect_ratio
    call shape%set_half_ring(center, inner_radius, outer_radius)
    call shape%rotate_Xc(0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 45.0_rk)
    call shape%translate_Xc([0.25_rk, 0.25_rk, 0.0_rk])
    call shape%create(res1, res2)
    Xg = shape%get_Xg()
    ng = shape%get_ng()
    call shape%finalize()
    call t%timer_stop(message='Creating a ring')

    ! Set the z-values of the geometry points
    ! circular gradient
    z_values = ((Xg(:,1) - minval(Xg(:,1))) / (maxval(Xg(:,1)) - minval(Xg(:,1))))**2 &
        + ((Xg(:,2) - minval(Xg(:,2))) / (maxval(Xg(:,2)) - minval(Xg(:,2)))**2)

    ! Set the colormap using ForColorMap library
    call cmap%set('managua',0.0_rk, 2.2_rk)

    ! Set colors to the shape
    call t%timer_start()
    Xg(:,2) = Xg(:,2) * aspect_ratio
    idx(:,1) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,1) * width ) + 1), width )
    idx(:,2) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,2) * height) + 1), height)
    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)
        call cmap%compute_RGB(z_values(i), red, green, blue)
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+1) = red
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+2) = green
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+3) = blue
    end do
    call t%timer_stop(message='Setting the colors')

    ! Set a shape object using ForCAD library
    !> Set the shape parameters for a ring
    call t%timer_start()
    center       = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
    outer_radius = 0.24_rk*2.0_rk
    inner_radius = 0.08_rk*2.0_rk
    res1         = 3500
    res2         = 1000

    center(2) = center(2)/aspect_ratio
    call shape%set_half_ring(center, inner_radius, outer_radius)
    call shape%rotate_Xc(0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, -45.0_rk)
    call shape%translate_Xc([0.75_rk, 0.25_rk, 0.0_rk])
    call shape%create(res1, res2)
    Xg = shape%get_Xg()
    ng = shape%get_ng()
    call shape%finalize()
    call t%timer_stop(message='Creating a ring')

    ! Set the z-values of the geometry points
    ! linear gradient in the y-direction
    z_values = (Xg(:,2) - minval(Xg(:,2))) / (maxval(Xg(:,2)) - minval(Xg(:,2)))

    ! Set the colormap using ForColorMap library
    call cmap%set('lipari',0.0_rk, 1.0_rk)

    ! Set colors to the shape
    call t%timer_start()
    Xg(:,2) = Xg(:,2) * aspect_ratio
    idx(:,1) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,1) * width ) + 1), width )
    idx(:,2) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,2) * height) + 1), height)
    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)
        call cmap%compute_RGB(z_values(i), red, green, blue)
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+1) = red
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+2) = green
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+3) = blue
    end do
    call t%timer_stop(message='Setting the colors')

    ! Set a shape object using ForCAD library
    call t%timer_start()
    !> Set the shape parameters for a ring
    center       = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
    outer_radius = 0.24_rk*2.0_rk
    inner_radius = 0.01_rk*2.0_rk
    res1         = 3500
    res2         = 1000

    center(2) = center(2)/aspect_ratio
    call shape%set_half_ring(center, inner_radius, outer_radius)
    call shape%rotate_Xc(0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, -90.0_rk)
    call shape%translate_Xc([0.25_rk, 0.75_rk, 0.0_rk])
    call shape%create(res1, res2)
    Xg = shape%get_Xg()
    ng = shape%get_ng()
    call shape%finalize()
    call t%timer_stop(message='Creating a ring')

    ! Set the z-values of the geometry points
    ! linear gradient in the x-direction
    z_values = (Xg(:,1) - minval(Xg(:,1))) / (maxval(Xg(:,1)) - minval(Xg(:,1)))

    ! Set the colormap using ForColorMap library
    call cmap%set('oslo10',0.0_rk, 1.0_rk)

    ! Set colors to the shape
    call t%timer_start()
    Xg(:,2) = Xg(:,2) * aspect_ratio
    idx(:,1) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,1) * width ) + 1), width )
    idx(:,2) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,2) * height) + 1), height)
    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)
        call cmap%compute_RGB(z_values(i), red, green, blue)
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+1) = red
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+2) = green
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+3) = blue
    end do
    call t%timer_stop(message='Setting the colors')

    ! Set a shape object using ForCAD library
    call t%timer_start()
    !> Set the shape parameters for a ring
    center       = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
    outer_radius = 0.24_rk*2.0_rk
    inner_radius = 0.22_rk*2.0_rk
    res1         = 3500
    res2         = 1000

    center(2) = center(2)/aspect_ratio
    call shape%set_half_ring(center, inner_radius, outer_radius)
    call shape%rotate_Xc(0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk)
    call shape%translate_Xc([0.75_rk, 0.75_rk, 0.0_rk])
    call shape%create(res1, res2)
    Xg = shape%get_Xg()
    ng = shape%get_ng()
    call shape%finalize()
    call t%timer_stop(message='Creating a ring')

    ! Set the z-values of the geometry points
    ! linear gradient in the x-direction
    z_values = (Xg(:,1) - minval(Xg(:,1))) / (maxval(Xg(:,1)) - minval(Xg(:,1)))

    ! Set the colormap using ForColorMap library
    red   = 255
    green = 215
    blue  = 0

    ! Set colors to the shape
    call t%timer_start()
    Xg(:,2) = Xg(:,2) * aspect_ratio
    idx(:,1) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,1) * width ) + 1), width )
    idx(:,2) = min(max(1, int(Xg(:,2) * height) + 1), height)
    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+1) = red
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+2) = green
        px(idx(i,2), 3*(idx(i,1)-1)+3) = blue
    end do
    call t%timer_stop(message='Setting the colors')

    ! Save the image to a PPM file using ForImage library
    call t%timer_start()
    call image%set_pnm(&
        encoding    = 'binary', &
        file_format = 'ppm', &
        width       = width, &
        height      = height, &
        max_color   = 255, &
        comment     = 'example: ForCAD + ForImage + ForColor + ForColormap', &
        pixels      = px &
    call image%export_pnm('ppm/example_ppm2')
    call image%finalize()
    call t%timer_stop(message='Saving the image')

    ! Clean up
    call cmap%finalize()
    deallocate(px, Xg, z_values)

end program