forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90 forcad_utils.f90 sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90->sourcefile~forcad_utils.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90 forcad.f90 sourcefile~forcad.f90->sourcefile~forcad_nurbs_volume.f90 sourcefile~cmp_area.f90 cmp_area.f90 sourcefile~cmp_area.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~cmp_length.f90 cmp_length.f90 sourcefile~cmp_length.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~cmp_volume.f90 cmp_volume.f90 sourcefile~cmp_volume.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~demo_curve.f90 demo_curve.f90 sourcefile~demo_curve.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~demo_surface.f90 demo_surface.f90 sourcefile~demo_surface.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~demo_volume.f90 demo_volume.f90 sourcefile~demo_volume.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_curve_1.f90 example_curve_1.f90 sourcefile~example_curve_1.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm1.f90 example_ppm1.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm1.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm2.f90 example_ppm2.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm2.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm3.f90 example_ppm3.f90 sourcefile~example_ppm3.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_surface_1.f90 example_surface_1.f90 sourcefile~example_surface_1.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~example_volume_1.f90 example_volume_1.f90 sourcefile~example_volume_1.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_1d.f90 nearest_point_1d.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_1d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_2d.f90 nearest_point_2d.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_2d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_2d_bench.f90 nearest_point_2d_bench.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_2d_bench.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_3d.f90 nearest_point_3d.f90 sourcefile~nearest_point_3d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~put_to_nurbs.f90 put_to_nurbs.f90 sourcefile~put_to_nurbs.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_c_1d.f90 shape_C_1d.f90 sourcefile~shape_c_1d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_c_2d.f90 shape_C_2d.f90 sourcefile~shape_c_2d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_c_3d.f90 shape_C_3d.f90 sourcefile~shape_c_3d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_circle.f90 shape_circle.f90 sourcefile~shape_circle.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_half_circle.f90 shape_half_circle.f90 sourcefile~shape_half_circle.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_half_ring_2d.f90 shape_half_ring_2d.f90 sourcefile~shape_half_ring_2d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_half_ring_3d.f90 shape_half_ring_3d.f90 sourcefile~shape_half_ring_3d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_hexahedron.f90 shape_hexahedron.f90 sourcefile~shape_hexahedron.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_ring_2d.f90 shape_ring_2d.f90 sourcefile~shape_ring_2d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_ring_3d.f90 shape_ring_3d.f90 sourcefile~shape_ring_3d.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90 sourcefile~shape_tetragon.f90 shape_tetragon.f90 sourcefile~shape_tetragon.f90->sourcefile~forcad.f90

Source Code

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
!> This module defines the 'nurbs_volume' type for representing a Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) volume.
module forcad_nurbs_volume

    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, elemConn_C0, kron, ndgrid, compute_multiplicity, compute_knot_vector, &
        basis_bspline_der, insert_knot_A_5_1, findspan, elevate_degree_A_5_9, hexahedron_Xc, remove_knots_A_5_8, &
        elemConn_Cn, unique, rotation, det, inv, gauss_leg

    implicit none

    public nurbs_volume

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    type nurbs_volume
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Xc(:,:)  !! Control points (2D array: [nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), dim])
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Xg(:,:)  !! Geometry points (2D array: [ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), dim])
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Wc(:)    !! Weights for the control points (1D array: [nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)])
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Xt1(:)   !! Evaluation parameter values in the first direction (1D array: [ng(1)])
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Xt2(:)   !! Evaluation parameter values in the second direction (1D array: [ng(2)])
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Xt3(:)   !! Evaluation parameter values in the third direction (1D array: [ng(3)])
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: Xt(:,:)  !! Evaluation parameter values (2D array: [ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), dim]
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: knot1(:) !! Knot vector in the first direction (1D array)
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: knot2(:) !! Knot vector in the second direction (1D array)
        real(rk), allocatable, private :: knot3(:) !! Knot vector in the third direction (1D array)
        integer, private :: degree(3)              !! Degree (order) of the volume
        integer, private :: nc(3)                  !! Number of control points in each direction
        integer, private :: ng(3)                  !! Number of geometry points in each direction
        integer, allocatable, private :: elemConn_Xc_vis(:,:) !! Connectivity for visualization of control points
        integer, allocatable, private :: elemConn_Xg_vis(:,:) !! Connectivity for visualization of geometry points
        integer, allocatable, private :: elemConn(:,:)        !! IGA element connectivity
        procedure :: set1                   !!> Set knot vectors, control points and weights for the NURBS volume object
        procedure :: set2                   !!> Set NURBS volume using nodes of parameter space, degree, continuity, control points and weights
        procedure :: set3                   !!> Set Bezier or Rational Bezier volume using control points and weights
        procedure :: set4                   !!> Set NURBS volume using degree, number of control points, control points and weights
        generic :: set => set1, set2, set3, set4  !!> Set NURBS volume
        procedure :: create                 !!> Generate geometry points
        procedure :: cmp_Xg                !!> Compute geometry points
        procedure, private :: get_Xc_all   !!> Get all control points
        procedure, private :: get_Xci      !!> Get i-th control point
        procedure, private :: get_Xcid     !!> Get i-th control point in a specific direction
        generic :: get_Xc => get_Xc_all, get_Xci, get_Xcid !!> Get control points
        procedure, private :: get_Xg_all   !!> Get all geometry points
        procedure, private :: get_Xgi      !!> Get i-th geometry point
        procedure, private :: get_Xgid     !!> Get i-th geometry point in a specific direction
        generic :: get_Xg => get_Xg_all, get_Xgi, get_Xgid !!> Get geometry points
        procedure, private :: get_Wc_all   !!> Get all weights
        procedure, private :: get_Wci      !!> Get i-th weight
        generic :: get_Wc => get_Wc_all, get_Wci !!> Get weights
        procedure :: get_Xt                 !!> Get parameter values
        procedure, private :: get_knot_all  !!> Get all knot vectors
        procedure, private :: get_knoti     !!> Get i-th knot value
        generic :: get_knot => get_knoti, get_knot_all !!> Get knot vector
        procedure :: get_ng                 !!> Get number of geometry points
        procedure, private :: get_nc_dir             !!> Get number of control points in a specific direction
        procedure, private :: get_nc_all             !!> Get number of control points in all directions
        generic :: get_nc => get_nc_all, get_nc_dir !!> Get number of control points
        procedure :: cmp_degree             !!> Compute degree of the NURBS volume
        procedure, private :: get_degree_all!!> Get degree of the NURBS volume in all directions
        procedure, private :: get_degree_dir!!> Get degree of the NURBS volume in a specific direction
        generic :: get_degree => get_degree_all, get_degree_dir !!> Get degree of the NURBS volume
        procedure :: finalize               !!> Finalize the NURBS volume object
        procedure :: cmp_elem_Xc_vis        !!> Generate connectivity for control points
        procedure :: cmp_elem_Xg_vis        !!> Generate connectivity for geometry points
        procedure :: cmp_elem               !!> Generate IGA element connectivity
        procedure :: get_elem_Xc_vis        !!> Get connectivity for control points
        procedure :: get_elem_Xg_vis        !!> Get connectivity for geometry points
        procedure :: get_elem               !!> Get IGA element connectivity
        procedure :: set_elem_Xc_vis        !!> Set connectivity for control points
        procedure :: set_elem_Xg_vis        !!> Set connectivity for geometry points
        procedure :: set_elem               !!> Set IGA element connectivity
        procedure :: export_Xc              !!> Export control points to VTK file
        procedure :: export_Xg              !!> Export geometry points to VTK file
        procedure :: modify_Xc              !!> Modify control points
        procedure :: modify_Wc              !!> Modify weights
        procedure :: get_multiplicity       !!> Compute and return the multiplicity of the knots
        procedure :: get_continuity         !!> Compute and return the continuity of the NURBS volume
        procedure :: cmp_nc                 !!> Compute number of required control points
        procedure, private :: basis_vector  !!> Compute the basis functions of the NURBS volume
        procedure, private :: basis_scalar  !!> Compute the basis functions of the NURBS volume
        generic :: basis => basis_vector, basis_scalar    !!> Compute the basis functions of the NURBS volume
        procedure, private :: derivative_vector      !!> Compute the derivative of the NURBS volume
        procedure, private :: derivative_scalar      !!> Compute the derivative of the NURBS volume
        generic :: derivative => derivative_vector, derivative_scalar   !!> Compute the derivative of the NURBS volume
        procedure, private :: derivative2_vector     !!> Compute the second derivative of the NURBS volume
        procedure, private :: derivative2_scalar     !!> Compute the second derivative of the NURBS volume
        generic :: derivative2 => derivative2_vector, derivative2_scalar !!> Compute the second derivative of the NURBS volume
        procedure :: insert_knots           !!> Insert knots into the knot vector
        procedure :: elevate_degree         !!> Elevate the degree of the NURBS volume
        procedure :: is_rational            !!> Check if the NURBS volume is rational
        procedure :: put_to_nurbs           !!> Put a shape to a NURBS volume
        procedure :: remove_knots           !!> Remove knots from the knot vector
        procedure :: rotate_Xc              !!> Rotate control points
        procedure :: rotate_Xg              !!> Rotate geometry points
        procedure :: translate_Xc           !!> Translate control points
        procedure :: translate_Xg           !!> Translate geometry points
        procedure :: show                   !!> Show the NURBS object using PyVista
        procedure :: nearest_point          !!> Find the nearest point on the NURBS volume (Approximation)
        procedure :: nearest_point2         !!> Find the nearest point on the NURBS volume (Minimization - Newton's method)
        procedure :: ansatz                 !!> Compute the shape functions, derivative of shape functions and dV
        procedure :: cmp_volume             !!> Compute the volume of the NURBS volume

        ! Faces
        procedure :: cmp_elemFace_Xc_vis   !!> Compute faces of the control points
        procedure :: cmp_elemFace_Xg_vis   !!> Compute faces of the geometry points
        procedure :: cmp_elemFace          !!> Compute faces of the IGA elements
        procedure :: cmp_degreeFace        !!> Compute degrees of the faces

        ! Shapes
        procedure :: set_hexahedron         !!> Set a hexahedron
        procedure :: set_ring               !!> Set a ring
        procedure :: set_half_ring          !!> Set a half ring
        procedure :: set_C                  !!> Set a C-shape
    end type

    interface compute_Xg
        pure function compute_Xg_nurbs_3d(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_Xc, f_Wc) result(f_Xg)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xc(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Xg(:,:)
        end function

        pure function compute_Xg_bspline_3d(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_Xc) result(f_Xg)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Xg(:,:)
        end function

        pure function compute_Xg_nurbs_3d_1point(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_Xc, f_Wc) result(f_Xg)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xc(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Xg(:)
        end function

        pure function compute_Xg_bspline_3d_1point(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_Xc) result(f_Xg)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Xg(:)
        end function
    end interface

    interface compute_dTgc
        pure subroutine compute_dTgc_nurbs_3d_vector(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_Wc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:,:)
        end subroutine

        pure subroutine compute_dTgc_bspline_3d_vector(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_dTgc, f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:,:)
        end subroutine

        pure subroutine compute_dTgc_nurbs_3d_scalar(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_Wc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc, f_elem)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:)
            integer, intent(in), optional :: f_elem(:)
        end subroutine

        pure subroutine compute_dTgc_bspline_3d_scalar(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc, f_elem)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:)
            integer, intent(in), optional :: f_elem(:)
        end subroutine
    end interface

    interface compute_d2Tgc
        pure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_nurbs_3d_vector(&
            f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_Wc, f_d2Tgc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_d2Tgc(:,:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:,:)
        end subroutine

        pure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_bspline_3d_vector(&
            f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_d2Tgc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_d2Tgc(:,:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:,:)
        end subroutine

        pure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_nurbs_3d_scalar(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_Wc, f_d2Tgc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_d2Tgc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:)
        end subroutine

        pure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_bspline_3d_scalar(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_d2Tgc, f_dTgc, f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_d2Tgc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_dTgc(:,:)
            real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: f_Tgc(:)
        end subroutine
    end interface

    interface compute_Tgc
        pure function compute_Tgc_nurbs_3d_vector(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng, f_Wc) result(f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Tgc(:,:)
        end function

        pure function compute_Tgc_bspline_3d_vector(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_ng) result(f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Tgc(:,:)
        end function

        pure function compute_Tgc_nurbs_3d_scalar(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc, f_Wc) result(f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Wc(:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Tgc(:)
        end function

        pure function compute_Tgc_bspline_3d_scalar(f_Xt, f_knot1, f_knot2, f_knot3, f_degree, f_nc) result(f_Tgc)
            import :: rk
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xt(:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_knot1(:), f_knot2(:), f_knot3(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_degree(3)
            integer, intent(in) :: f_nc(3)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_Tgc(:)
        end function
    end interface

        pure function nearest_point_help_3d(f_ng, f_Xg, f_point_Xg) result(f_distances)
            import :: rk
            integer, intent(in) :: f_ng(3)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_Xg(:,:)
            real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: f_point_Xg(:)
            real(rk), allocatable :: f_distances(:)
        end function
    end interface


    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    !> Set control points and weights for the NURBS volume object.
    pure subroutine set1(this, knot1, knot2, knot3, Xc, Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Wc(:)

        if (allocated(this%knot1)) deallocate(this%knot1)
        if (allocated(this%knot2)) deallocate(this%knot2)
        if (allocated(this%knot3)) deallocate(this%knot3)
        if (allocated(this%Xc)) deallocate(this%Xc)

        this%knot1 = knot1
        this%knot2 = knot2
        this%knot3 = knot3
        call this%cmp_degree()
        call this%cmp_nc()
        this%Xc = Xc
        if (present(Wc)) then
            if (size(Wc) /= this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)) then
                error stop 'Number of weights does not match the number of control points.'
                if (allocated(this%Wc)) deallocate(this%Wc)
                this%Wc = Wc
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    !> Set control points and weights for the NURBS volume object.
    pure subroutine set2(this, Xth_dir1, Xth_dir2, Xth_dir3, degree, continuity1, continuity2, continuity3, Xc, Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xth_dir1(:), Xth_dir2(:), Xth_dir3(:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: degree(:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: continuity1(:), continuity2(:), continuity3(:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Wc(:)

        this%knot1 = compute_knot_vector(Xth_dir1, degree(1), continuity1)
        this%knot2 = compute_knot_vector(Xth_dir2, degree(2), continuity2)
        this%knot3 = compute_knot_vector(Xth_dir3, degree(3), continuity3)
        this%degree(1) = degree(1)
        this%degree(2) = degree(2)
        this%degree(3) = degree(3)
        call this%cmp_nc()
        this%Xc = Xc
        if (present(Wc)) this%Wc = Wc
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    !> Set Bezier or Rational Bezier volume using control points and weights.
    pure subroutine set3(this, nc, Xc, Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: nc(:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Wc(:)

        if (allocated(this%Xc)) deallocate(this%Xc)

        this%Xc = Xc
        this%nc = nc

        if (allocated(this%knot1)) deallocate(this%knot1)
        this%knot1(1:this%nc(1)) = 0.0_rk
        this%knot1(this%nc(1)+1:2*this%nc(1)) = 1.0_rk

        if (allocated(this%knot2)) deallocate(this%knot2)
        this%knot2(1:this%nc(2)) = 0.0_rk
        this%knot2(this%nc(2)+1:2*this%nc(2)) = 1.0_rk

        if (allocated(this%knot3)) deallocate(this%knot3)
        this%knot3(1:this%nc(3)) = 0.0_rk
        this%knot3(this%nc(3)+1:2*this%nc(3)) = 1.0_rk

        call this%cmp_degree()
        if (present(Wc)) then
            if (size(Wc) /= this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)) then
                error stop 'Number of weights does not match the number of control points.'
                if (allocated(this%Wc)) deallocate(this%Wc)
                this%Wc = Wc
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set4(this, degree, nc, Xc, Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: degree(:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: nc(:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Wc(:)
        integer :: m(3), i

        if (allocated(this%Xc)) deallocate(this%Xc)

        this%Xc = Xc
        this%nc = nc
        this%degree = degree

        ! Size of knot vectors
        m = nc + degree + 1

        if (allocated(this%knot1)) deallocate(this%knot1)
        this%knot1(1:degree(1)+1) = 0.0_rk
        this%knot1(degree(1)+2:m(1)-degree(1)-1) = [(real(i, rk)/(m(1)-2*degree(1)-1), i=1, m(1)-2*degree(1)-2)]
        this%knot1(m(1)-degree(1):m(1)) = 1.0_rk

        if (allocated(this%knot2)) deallocate(this%knot2)
        this%knot2(1:degree(2)+1) = 0.0_rk
        this%knot2(degree(2)+2:m(2)-degree(2)-1) = [(real(i, rk)/(m(2)-2*degree(2)-1), i=1, m(2)-2*degree(2)-2)]
        this%knot2(m(2)-degree(2):m(2)) = 1.0_rk

        if (allocated(this%knot3)) deallocate(this%knot3)
        this%knot3(1:degree(3)+1) = 0.0_rk
        this%knot3(degree(3)+2:m(3)-degree(3)-1) = [(real(i, rk)/(m(3)-2*degree(3)-1), i=1, m(3)-2*degree(3)-2)]
        this%knot3(m(3)-degree(3):m(3)) = 1.0_rk

        if (present(Wc)) then
            if (size(Wc) /= nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)) then
                error stop 'Number of weights does not match the number of control points.'
                if (allocated(this%Wc)) deallocate(this%Wc)
                this%Wc = Wc
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine create(this, res1, res2, res3, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, Xt)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: res1, res2, res3
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Xt1(:), Xt2(:), Xt3(:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Xt(:,:)
        integer :: i

        ! check
        if (.not.allocated(this%Xc)) then
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if

        if (.not.allocated(this%knot1) .or. .not.allocated(this%knot2) .or. .not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
            error stop 'Knot vector(s) is/are not set.'
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = Xt1
        elseif (present(res1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res1-1, rk), i=1, res1)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt1 = this%Xt1
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = Xt2
        elseif (present(res2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res2-1, rk), i=1, res2)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt2 = this%Xt2
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = Xt3
        elseif (present(res3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res3-1, rk), i=1, res3)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt3 = this%Xt3
        end if

        if (present(Xt)) then
            this%Xt = Xt

            ! Set number of geometry points
            this%ng(1) = size(this%Xt1,1)
            this%ng(2) = size(this%Xt2,1)
            this%ng(3) = size(this%Xt3,1)

            call ndgrid(this%Xt1, this%Xt2, this%Xt3, this%Xt)
        end if

        if (allocated(this%Xg)) deallocate(this%Xg)
        allocate(this%Xg(this%ng(1)*this%ng(2)*this%ng(3), size(this%Xc,2)))

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            this%Xg = compute_Xg(&
                this%Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, this%Xc, this%Wc)
        else ! B-Spline
            this%Xg = compute_Xg(&
                this%Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, this%Xc)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_Xg(this, Xt) result(Xg)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:)

        ! check
        if (.not.allocated(this%Xc)) then
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if

        if (.not.allocated(this%knot1) .or. .not.allocated(this%knot2) .or. .not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
            error stop 'Knot vector(s) is/are not set.'
        end if

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            Xg = compute_Xg(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%Xc, this%Wc)
        else ! B-Spline
            Xg = compute_Xg(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%Xc)
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xc_all(this) result(Xc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:)

        if (allocated(this%Xc)) then
            Xc = this%Xc
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xci(this, n) result(Xc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: n
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:)

        if (allocated(this%Xc)) then
            if (n<lbound(this%Xc,1) .or. n>ubound(this%Xc,1)) then
                error stop 'Invalid index for control points.'
            end if
            Xc = this%Xc(n,:)
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xcid(this, n, dir) result(Xc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: n
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        real(rk) :: Xc

        if (allocated(this%Xc)) then
            if (n<lbound(this%Xc,1) .or. n>ubound(this%Xc,1)) then
                error stop 'Invalid index for control points.'
            end if
            if (dir<lbound(this%Xc,2) .or. dir>ubound(this%Xc,2)) then
                error stop 'Invalid direction for control points.'
            end if
            Xc = this%Xc(n, dir)
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xg_all(this) result(Xg)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:,:)

        if (allocated(this%Xg)) then
            Xg = this%Xg
            error stop 'Geometry points are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xgi(this, n) result(Xg)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: n
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:)

        if (allocated(this%Xg)) then
            if (n<lbound(this%Xg,1) .or. n>ubound(this%Xg,1)) then
                error stop 'Invalid index for geometry points.'
            end if
            Xg = this%Xg(n,:)
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xgid(this, n, dir) result(Xg)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: n
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        real(rk) :: Xg

        if (allocated(this%Xg)) then
            if (n<lbound(this%Xg,1) .or. n>ubound(this%Xg,1)) then
                error stop 'Invalid index for geometry points.'
            end if
            if (dir<lbound(this%Xg,2) .or. dir>ubound(this%Xg,2)) then
                error stop 'Invalid direction for geometry points.'
            end if
            Xg = this%Xg(n, dir)
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Wc_all(this) result(Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        real(rk), allocatable :: Wc(:)

        if (allocated(this%Wc)) then
            Wc = this%Wc
            error stop 'The NURBS volume is not rational or weights are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Wci(this, n) result(Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: n
        real(rk) :: Wc

        if (allocated(this%Wc)) then
            if (n<lbound(this%Wc,1) .or. n>ubound(this%Wc,1)) then
                error stop 'Invalid index for weights.'
            end if
            Wc = this%Wc(n)
            error stop 'The NURBS volume is not rational or weights are not set.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_Xt(this, dir) result(Xt)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xt(:)

        if (dir == 1) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) then
                Xt = this%Xt1
                error stop 'Parameter values are not set.'
            end if
        elseif (dir == 2) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) then
                Xt = this%Xt2
                error stop 'Parameter values are not set.'
            end if
        elseif (dir == 3) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) then
                Xt = this%Xt3
                error stop 'Parameter values are not set.'
            end if
            error stop 'Invalid direction for parameter values.'
        end if

    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_ng(this) result(ng)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer :: ng(3)

        ng = this%ng
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine cmp_degree(this, dir)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: dir
        integer, allocatable :: m1(:), m2(:), m3(:)

        if (present(dir)) then
            if (dir == 1) then
                m1 = this%get_multiplicity(1)
                this%degree(1) = m1(1) - 1
            else if (dir == 2) then
                m2 = this%get_multiplicity(2)
                this%degree(2) = m2(1) - 1
            else if (dir == 3) then
                m3 = this%get_multiplicity(3)
                this%degree(3) = m3(1) - 1
                error stop 'Invalid direction for degree.'
            end if
            m1 = this%get_multiplicity(1)
            this%degree(1) = m1(1) - 1

            m2 = this%get_multiplicity(2)
            this%degree(2) = m2(1) - 1

            m3 = this%get_multiplicity(3)
            this%degree(3) = m3(1) - 1
        end if

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_degree_all(this) result(degree)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer :: degree(3)

        degree(1) = this%degree(1)
        degree(2) = this%degree(2)
        degree(3) = this%degree(3)
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_degree_dir(this, dir) result(degree)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        integer :: degree

        if (dir == 1) then
            degree = this%degree(1)
        else if (dir == 2) then
            degree = this%degree(2)
        else if (dir == 3) then
            degree = this%degree(3)
            error stop 'Invalid direction for degree.'
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_knot_all(this, dir) result(knot)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        real(rk), allocatable :: knot(:)

        if (dir == 1) then
            if (allocated(this%knot1)) then
                knot = this%knot1
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
            end if
        elseif (dir == 2) then
            if (allocated(this%knot2)) then
                knot = this%knot2
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
            end if
        elseif (dir == 3) then
            if (allocated(this%knot3)) then
                knot = this%knot3
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
            end if
            error stop 'Invalid direction for knot vector.'
        end if

    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_knoti(this, dir, i) result(knot)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        integer, intent(in) :: i
        real(rk) :: knot

        if (dir == 1) then
            if (allocated(this%knot1)) then
                if (i < 1 .or. i > size(this%knot1)) then
                    error stop 'Invalid index for knot vector.'
                    knot = this%knot1(i)
                end if
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
            end if
        elseif (dir == 2) then
            if (allocated(this%knot2)) then
                if (i < 1 .or. i > size(this%knot2)) then
                    error stop 'Invalid index for knot vector.'
                    knot = this%knot2(i)
                end if
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
            end if
        elseif (dir == 3) then
            if (allocated(this%knot3)) then
                if (i < 1 .or. i > size(this%knot3)) then
                    error stop 'Invalid index for knot vector.'
                    knot = this%knot3(i)
                end if
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
            end if
            error stop 'Invalid direction for knot vector.'
        end if

    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine finalize(this)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        if (allocated(this%Xc)) deallocate(this%Xc)
        if (allocated(this%Xg)) deallocate(this%Xg)
        if (allocated(this%Wc)) deallocate(this%Wc)
        if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
        if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
        if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
        if (allocated(this%Xt)) deallocate(this%Xt)
        if (allocated(this%knot1)) deallocate(this%knot1)
        if (allocated(this%knot2)) deallocate(this%knot2)
        if (allocated(this%knot3)) deallocate(this%knot3)
        if (allocated(this%elemConn_Xc_vis)) deallocate(this%elemConn_Xc_vis)
        if (allocated(this%elemConn_Xg_vis)) deallocate(this%elemConn_Xg_vis)
        if (allocated(this%elemConn)) deallocate(this%elemConn)
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_elem_Xc_vis(this, p) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous, optional :: p(:)

        if (present(p)) then
            elemConn = elemConn_C0(this%nc(1), this%nc(2), this%nc(3), p(1), p(2), p(3))
            elemConn = elemConn_C0(this%nc(1), this%nc(2), this%nc(3), 1, 1, 1)
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_elem_Xg_vis(this, p) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous, optional :: p(:)

        if (present(p)) then
            elemConn = elemConn_C0(this%ng(1), this%ng(2), this%ng(3), p(1), p(2), p(3))
            elemConn = elemConn_C0(this%ng(1), this%ng(2), this%ng(3), 1, 1, 1)
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    impure subroutine export_Xc(this, filename)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        integer :: i, nc, nunit
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)

        ! check
        if (.not.allocated(this%Xc)) then
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if

        if (.not.allocated(this%elemConn_Xc_vis)) then
            elemConn = this%cmp_elem_Xc_vis()
            elemConn = this%elemConn_Xc_vis
        end if

        nc = size(this%Xc, 1)

        open(newunit=nunit, file=filename, action='write')
        write(nunit,'(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0'
        write(nunit,'(a)') 'Generated by ForCAD'
        write(nunit,'(a)') 'ASCII'
        write(nunit,'(a)') 'DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID'
        write(nunit,'(a," ",g0," ",a)') 'POINTS', nc, 'double'

        if (size(this%Xc,2) == 2) then
            write(nunit,'(g0," ",g0," ",g0)') (this%Xc(i,1), this%Xc(i,2), 0.0_rk , i = 1, nc)
        elseif (size(this%Xc,2) == 3) then
            write(nunit,'(g0," ",g0," ",g0)') (this%Xc(i,1), this%Xc(i,2), this%Xc(i,3) , i = 1, nc)
            error stop 'Invalid dimension for control points.'
        end if

        write(nunit,'(a," ",g0," ",g0)') 'CELLS', size(elemConn,1), size(elemConn,1)*(size(elemConn,2)+1)
        write(nunit,'(g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0)')&
            (8, elemConn(i,1)-1,elemConn(i,2)-1,elemConn(i,4)-1,elemConn(i,3)-1,&
            elemConn(i,5)-1,elemConn(i,6)-1,elemConn(i,8)-1,elemConn(i,7)-1, i = 1, size(elemConn,1))

        write(nunit,'(a," ",g0)') 'CELL_TYPES', size(elemConn,1)
        write(nunit,'(g0)') (12 , i = 1, size(elemConn,1))
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    impure subroutine export_Xg(this, filename)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        integer :: i, ng, nunit
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)

        ! check
        if (.not.allocated(this%Xg)) then
            error stop 'Geometry points are not set.'
        end if

        if (.not.allocated(this%elemConn_Xg_vis)) then
            elemConn = this%cmp_elem_Xg_vis()
            elemConn = this%elemConn_Xg_vis
        end if

        ng = size(this%Xg, 1)

        open(newunit=nunit, file=filename, action='write')
        write(nunit,'(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0'
        write(nunit,'(a)') 'Generated by ForCAD'
        write(nunit,'(a)') 'ASCII'
        write(nunit,'(a)') 'DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID'
        write(nunit,'(a," ",g0," ",a)') 'POINTS', ng, 'double'

        if (size(this%Xg,2) == 2) then
            write(nunit,'(g0," ",g0," ",g0)') (this%Xg(i,1), this%Xg(i,2), 0.0_rk , i = 1, ng)
        elseif (size(this%Xg,2) == 3) then
            write(nunit,'(g0," ",g0," ",g0)') (this%Xg(i,1), this%Xg(i,2), this%Xg(i,3) , i = 1, ng)
            error stop 'Invalid dimension for geometry points.'
        end if

        write(nunit,'(a," ",g0," ",g0)') 'CELLS', size(elemConn,1), size(elemConn,1)*(size(elemConn,2)+1)
        write(nunit,'(g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0," ",g0)')&
            (8, elemConn(i,1)-1,elemConn(i,2)-1,elemConn(i,4)-1,elemConn(i,3)-1,&
            elemConn(i,5)-1,elemConn(i,6)-1,elemConn(i,8)-1,elemConn(i,7)-1, i = 1, size(elemConn,1))

        write(nunit,'(a," ",g0)') 'CELL_TYPES', size(elemConn,1)
        write(nunit,'(g0)') (12 , i = 1, size(elemConn,1))
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine modify_Xc(this,X,num,dir)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: X
        integer, intent(in) :: num
        integer, intent(in) :: dir

        if (allocated(this%Xc)) then
            this%Xc(num,dir) = X
            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then
                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3),&
                    Xc=this%get_Xc(), Wc=this%get_Wc())
                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3),&
            end if
            error stop 'Control points are not set.'
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine modify_Wc(this,W,num)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: W
        integer, intent(in) :: num

        if (allocated(this%Wc)) then
            this%Wc(num) = W
            if (allocated(this%knot1) .and. allocated(this%knot2) .and. allocated(this%knot3)) then
                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3),&
                    Xc=this%get_Xc(), Wc=this%get_Wc())
                call this%set(nc=this%nc, Xc=this%get_Xc(), Wc=this%get_Wc())
            end if
            error stop 'The NURBS volume is not rational.'
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_multiplicity(this, dir) result(m)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        integer, allocatable :: m(:)

        if (dir == 1) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot1)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                m = compute_multiplicity(this%knot1)
            end if

        elseif (dir == 2) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot2)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                m = compute_multiplicity(this%knot2)
            end if

        elseif (dir == 3) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                m = compute_multiplicity(this%knot3)
            end if

            error stop 'Invalid direction.'
        end if

    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_continuity(this, dir) result(c)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        integer, allocatable :: c(:)

        if (dir == 1) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot1)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                c = this%degree(1) - compute_multiplicity(this%knot1)
            end if

        elseif (dir == 2) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot2)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                c = this%degree(2) - compute_multiplicity(this%knot2)
            end if

        elseif (dir == 3) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                c = this%degree(3) - compute_multiplicity(this%knot3)
            end if

            error stop 'Invalid direction.'
        end if

    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine cmp_nc(this, dir)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: dir

        if (present(dir)) then

            if (dir == 1) then

                ! check
                if (.not.allocated(this%knot1)) then
                    error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                    this%nc(1) = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot1)) - this%degree(1) - 1
                end if

            elseif (dir == 2) then

                ! check
                if (.not.allocated(this%knot2)) then
                    error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                    this%nc(2) = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot2)) - this%degree(2) - 1
                end if

            elseif (dir == 3) then

                ! check
                if (.not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
                    error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                    this%nc(3) = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot3)) - this%degree(3) - 1
                end if

                error stop 'Invalid direction.'
            end if


            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot1)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                this%nc(1) = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot1)) - this%degree(1) - 1
            end if

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot2)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                this%nc(2) = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot2)) - this%degree(2) - 1
            end if

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                this%nc(3) = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot3)) - this%degree(3) - 1
            end if

        end if

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_nc_all(this) result(nc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer :: nc(3)

        nc = this%nc
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_nc_dir(this, dir) result(nc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        integer :: nc

        if (dir == 1) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot1)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                nc = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot1)) - this%degree(1) - 1
            end if

        elseif (dir == 2) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot2)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                nc = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot2)) - this%degree(2) - 1
            end if

        elseif (dir == 3) then

            ! check
            if (.not.allocated(this%knot3)) then
                error stop 'Knot vector is not set.'
                nc = sum(compute_multiplicity(this%knot3)) - this%degree(3) - 1
            end if

            error stop 'Invalid direction.'
        end if

    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine derivative_vector(this, res1, res2, res3, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, dTgc, Tgc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: res1, res2, res3
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Xt1(:), Xt2(:), Xt3(:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: Tgc(:,:)
        integer :: i
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xt(:,:)

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = Xt1
        elseif (present(res1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res1-1, rk), i=1, res1)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt1 = this%Xt1
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = Xt2
        elseif (present(res2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res2-1, rk), i=1, res2)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt2 = this%Xt2
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = Xt3
        elseif (present(res3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res3-1, rk), i=1, res3)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt3 = this%Xt3
        end if

        ! Set number of geometry points
        this%ng(1) = size(this%Xt1,1)
        this%ng(2) = size(this%Xt2,1)
        this%ng(3) = size(this%Xt3,1)

        call ndgrid(this%Xt1, this%Xt2, this%Xt3, Xt)

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            call compute_dTgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, this%Wc, dTgc, Tgc)
            call compute_dTgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, dTgc, Tgc)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine derivative_scalar(this, Xt, dTgc, Tgc, elem)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
        integer, intent(in), optional :: elem(:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: Tgc(:)

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            call compute_dTgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%Wc, dTgc, Tgc, elem)
            call compute_dTgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, dTgc, Tgc, elem)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine derivative2_vector(this, res1, res2, res3, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: res1, res2, res3
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Xt1(:), Xt2(:), Xt3(:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: d2Tgc(:,:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: dTgc(:,:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: Tgc(:,:)
        integer :: i
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xt(:,:)

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = Xt1
        elseif (present(res1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res1-1, rk), i=1, res1)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt1 = this%Xt1
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = Xt2
        elseif (present(res2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res2-1, rk), i=1, res2)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt2 = this%Xt2
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = Xt3
        elseif (present(res3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res3-1, rk), i=1, res3)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt3 = this%Xt3
        end if

        ! Set number of geometry points
        this%ng(1) = size(this%Xt1,1)
        this%ng(2) = size(this%Xt2,1)
        this%ng(3) = size(this%Xt3,1)

        call ndgrid(this%Xt1, this%Xt2, this%Xt3, Xt)

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            call compute_d2Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, this%Wc, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
            call compute_d2Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine derivative2_scalar(this, Xt, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: d2Tgc(:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: dTgc(:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: Tgc(:)

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            call compute_d2Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%Wc, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
            call compute_d2Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine basis_vector(this, res1, res2, res3, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, Tgc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: res1, res2, res3
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Xt1(:), Xt2(:), Xt3(:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:,:)
        integer :: i
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xt(:,:)

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = Xt1
        elseif (present(res1)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt1)) deallocate(this%Xt1)
            this%Xt1 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res1-1, rk), i=1, res1)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt1 = this%Xt1
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = Xt2
        elseif (present(res2)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt2)) deallocate(this%Xt2)
            this%Xt2 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res2-1, rk), i=1, res2)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt2 = this%Xt2
        end if

        ! Set parameter values
        if (present(Xt3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = Xt3
        elseif (present(res3)) then
            if (allocated(this%Xt3)) deallocate(this%Xt3)
            this%Xt3 = [(real(i-1, rk) / real(res3-1, rk), i=1, res3)]
            ! else
            ! this%Xt3 = this%Xt3
        end if

        ! Set number of geometry points
        this%ng(1) = size(this%Xt1,1)
        this%ng(2) = size(this%Xt2,1)
        this%ng(3) = size(this%Xt3,1)

        call ndgrid(this%Xt1, this%Xt2, this%Xt3, Xt)

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            Tgc = compute_Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng, this%Wc)
            Tgc = compute_Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%ng)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine basis_scalar(this, Xt, Tgc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:)

        if (this%is_rational()) then ! NURBS
            Tgc = compute_Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc, this%Wc)
            Tgc = compute_Tgc(Xt, this%knot1, this%knot2, this%knot3, this%degree, this%nc)
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine insert_knots(this, dir ,Xth,r)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xth(:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: r(:)
        integer :: k, i, s, dim, j, n_new
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:), Xcw(:,:), Xcw_new(:,:), Xc_new(:,:), Wc_new(:), knot_new(:)
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc4(:,:,:,:)

        if (dir == 1) then ! direction 1

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(1)-1,this%degree(1),Xth(i),this%knot1)
                    if (this%knot1(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot1, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                    do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                        Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                    end do
                    Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                    Xcw = reshape(Xcw,[this%nc(1),this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)*(dim+1)])

                    call insert_knot_A_5_1(&

                    Xcw_new = reshape(Xcw_new,[(n_new+1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3),dim+1])

                    do j = 1, (n_new+1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)
                        Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                    end do
                    Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                    call this%set(knot1=knot_new, knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                    deallocate(Xcw, Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)
                end do

            else ! B-Spline

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(1)-1,this%degree(1),Xth(i),this%knot1)
                    if (this%knot1(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot1, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                    Xc = reshape(this%Xc,[this%nc(1),this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)*dim])

                    call insert_knot_A_5_1(&

                    Xc_new = reshape(Xc_new,[(n_new+1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3),dim])

                    call this%set(knot1=knot_new, knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new)
                end do

            end if

        elseif (dir == 2) then! direction 2

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(2)-1,this%degree(2),Xth(i),this%knot2)
                    if (this%knot2(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot2, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                    do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                        Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                    end do
                    Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xcw, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim+1], order=[2,1,3,4])
                    Xcw = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(2),this%nc(1)*this%nc(3)*(dim+1)])

                    call insert_knot_A_5_1(&

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xcw_new, [n_new+1,this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),n_new+1,this%nc(3),dim+1], order=[2,1,3,4])
                    Xcw_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*(n_new+1)*this%nc(3),dim+1])

                    do j = 1, this%nc(1)*(n_new+1)*this%nc(3)
                        Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                    end do
                    Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                    call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=knot_new, knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                    deallocate(Xcw, Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)
                end do

            else ! B-Spline

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(2)-1,this%degree(2),Xth(i),this%knot2)
                    if (this%knot2(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot2, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                    Xc4 = reshape(this%Xc, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim], order=[2,1,3,4])
                    Xc = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(2),this%nc(1)*this%nc(3)*dim])

                    call insert_knot_A_5_1(&

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc_new, [n_new+1,this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),n_new+1,this%nc(3),dim], order=[2,1,3,4])
                    Xc_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*(n_new+1)*this%nc(3),dim])

                    call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=knot_new, knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new)
                end do

            end if

        elseif (dir == 3) then! direction 3

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(3)-1,this%degree(3),Xth(i),this%knot3)
                    if (this%knot3(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot3, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                    do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                        Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                    end do
                    Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xcw, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim+1], order=[3,2,1,4])
                    Xcw = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(3),this%nc(2)*this%nc(1)*(dim+1)])

                    call insert_knot_A_5_1(&

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xcw_new, [n_new+1,this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim+1])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),n_new+1,dim+1], order=[3,2,1,4])
                    Xcw_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*(n_new+1),dim+1])

                    do j = 1, this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*(n_new+1)
                        Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                    end do
                    Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                    call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=knot_new, Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                    deallocate(Xcw, Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)
                end do

            else ! B-Spline

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(3)-1,this%degree(3),Xth(i),this%knot3)
                    if (this%knot3(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot3, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                    Xc4 = reshape(this%Xc, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim], order=[3,2,1,4])
                    Xc = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(3),this%nc(2)*this%nc(1)*dim])

                    call insert_knot_A_5_1(&

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc_new, [n_new+1,this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),n_new+1,dim], order=[3,2,1,4])
                    Xc_new = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*(n_new+1),dim])

                    call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=knot_new, Xc=Xc_new)
                end do

            end if

            error stop 'Invalid direction.'
        end if

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine elevate_degree(this, dir, t)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        integer, intent(in) :: t
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:), Xcw(:,:), Xcw_new(:,:), Xc_new(:,:), Wc_new(:), knot_new(:)
        integer :: nc_new, dim, j
        real(rk), allocatable:: Xc4(:,:,:,:)

        if (dir == 1) then ! direction 1

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                    Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                end do
                Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                Xcw = reshape(Xcw,[this%nc(1),this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)*(dim+1)],order=[1,2])

                call elevate_degree_A_5_9(t, this%knot1, this%degree(1), Xcw, nc_new, knot_new, Xcw_new)

                Xcw_new = reshape(Xcw_new,[nc_new*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3),dim+1],order=[1,2])

                do j = 1, nc_new*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)
                    Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                end do
                Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                call this%set(knot1=knot_new, knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                deallocate(Xcw, Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)

            else ! B-Spline

                dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                Xc = reshape(this%Xc,[this%nc(1),this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)*dim],order=[1,2])

                call elevate_degree_A_5_9(t, this%knot1, this%degree(1), Xc, nc_new, knot_new, Xc_new)

                Xc_new = reshape(Xc_new,[nc_new*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3),dim],order=[1,2])

                call this%set(knot1=knot_new, knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new)

            end if

        elseif (dir == 2) then ! direction 2

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                    Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                end do

                Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                Xc4 = reshape(Xcw, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim+1], order=[2,1,3,4])
                Xcw = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(2),this%nc(1)*this%nc(3)*(dim+1)])

                call elevate_degree_A_5_9(t, this%knot2, this%degree(2), Xcw, nc_new, knot_new, Xcw_new)

                Xc4 = reshape(Xcw_new, [nc_new,this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),nc_new,this%nc(3),dim+1], order=[2,1,3,4])
                Xcw_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*nc_new*this%nc(3),dim+1])

                do j = 1, this%nc(1)*nc_new*this%nc(3)
                    Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                end do

                Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=knot_new, knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                deallocate(Xcw, Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)

            else ! B-Spline

                dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                Xc4 = reshape(this%Xc, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim], order=[2,1,3,4])
                Xc = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(2),this%nc(1)*this%nc(3)*dim])

                call elevate_degree_A_5_9(t, this%knot2, this%degree(2), Xc, nc_new, knot_new, Xc_new)

                Xc4 = reshape(Xc_new, [nc_new,this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),nc_new,this%nc(3),dim], order=[2,1,3,4])
                Xc_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*nc_new*this%nc(3),dim])

                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=knot_new, knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new)

            end if

        elseif (dir == 3) then ! direction 3

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                    Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                end do

                Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                Xc4 = reshape(Xcw, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim+1], order=[3,2,1,4])
                Xcw = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(3),this%nc(2)*this%nc(1)*(dim+1)])

                call elevate_degree_A_5_9(t, this%knot3, this%degree(3), Xcw, nc_new, knot_new, Xcw_new)

                Xc4 = reshape(Xcw_new, [nc_new,this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim+1])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),nc_new,dim+1], order=[3,2,1,4])
                Xcw_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*nc_new,dim+1])

                do j = 1, this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*nc_new
                    Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                end do

                Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=knot_new, Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                deallocate(Xcw, Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)

            else ! B-Spline

                dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                Xc4 = reshape(this%Xc, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim], order=[3,2,1,4])
                Xc = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(3),this%nc(2)*this%nc(1)*dim])

                call elevate_degree_A_5_9(t, this%knot3, this%degree(3), Xc, nc_new, knot_new, Xc_new)

                Xc4 = reshape(Xc_new, [nc_new,this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim])
                Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),nc_new,dim], order=[3,2,1,4])
                Xc_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*nc_new,dim])

                call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=knot_new, Xc=Xc_new)

            end if

            error stop 'Invalid direction.'
        end if

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function is_rational(this) result(r)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        logical :: r

        r = .false.
        if (allocated(this%Wc)) then
            if (any(this%Wc /= this%Wc(1))) then
                r = .true.
            end if
        end if
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_elem_Xc_vis(this, elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: elemConn(:,:)

        if (allocated(this%elemConn_Xc_vis)) deallocate(this%elemConn_Xc_vis)
        this%elemConn_Xc_vis = elemConn
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_elem_Xg_vis(this, elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: elemConn(:,:)

        if (allocated(this%elemConn_Xg_vis)) deallocate(this%elemConn_Xg_vis)
        this%elemConn_Xg_vis = elemConn
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_elem(this, elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: elemConn(:,:)

        if (allocated(this%elemConn)) deallocate(this%elemConn)
        this%elemConn = elemConn
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_elem_Xc_vis(this) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)

        elemConn = this%elemConn_Xc_vis
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_elem_Xg_vis(this) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)

        elemConn = this%elemConn_Xg_vis
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function get_elem(this) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)

        elemConn = this%elemConn
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_hexahedron(this, L, nc, Wc)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: L(:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: nc(:)
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous, optional :: Wc(:)

        if (present(Wc)) then
            call this%set(nc, hexahedron_Xc(L, nc), Wc)
            call this%set(nc, hexahedron_Xc(L, nc))
        end if
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine put_to_nurbs(this, X, elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: X(:,:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: elemConn(:,:)
        integer :: i
        real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc1(:), Tgc2(:), Tgc3(:), Tgc(:)
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xt(:,:)
        real(rk) :: min_X1, max_X1, min_X2, max_X2, min_X3, max_X3

        ! Assuming knot vectors are in the range [0,1]
        ! Normalize the X coordinates to the range [0,1]
        allocate(Xt(size(X,1), size(X,2)))
        min_X1 = minval(X(:,1))
        max_X1 = maxval(X(:,1))

        min_X2 = minval(X(:,2))
        max_X2 = maxval(X(:,2))

        min_X3 = minval(X(:,3))
        max_X3 = maxval(X(:,3))

        Xt(:,1) = (X(:,1) -  min_X1) / (max_X1 -  min_X1)
        Xt(:,2) = (X(:,2) -  min_X2) / (max_X2 -  min_X2)
        Xt(:,3) = (X(:,3) -  min_X3) / (max_X3 -  min_X3)

        allocate(this%Xg(size(Xt,1), size(this%Xc,2)))

        if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS volume
            do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
                Tgc1 = basis_bspline(Xt(i,1), this%knot1, this%nc(1), this%degree(1))
                Tgc2 = basis_bspline(Xt(i,2), this%knot2, this%nc(2), this%degree(2))
                Tgc3 = basis_bspline(Xt(i,3), this%knot3, this%nc(3), this%degree(3))
                Tgc = kron(Tgc3, kron(Tgc2, Tgc1))
                Tgc = Tgc*(this%Wc/(dot_product(Tgc,this%Wc)))
                this%Xg(i,:) = matmul(Tgc,this%Xc)
            end do
        else ! B-Spline volume
            do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
                Tgc1 = basis_bspline(Xt(i,1), this%knot1, this%nc(1), this%degree(1))
                Tgc2 = basis_bspline(Xt(i,2), this%knot2, this%nc(2), this%degree(2))
                Tgc3 = basis_bspline(Xt(i,3), this%knot3, this%nc(3), this%degree(3))
                Tgc = kron(Tgc3, kron(Tgc2, Tgc1))
                this%Xg(i,:) = matmul(Tgc,this%Xc)
            end do
        end if

        call this%set_elem_Xg_vis(elemConn)

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine remove_knots(this, dir ,Xth,r)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: dir
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xth(:)
        integer, intent(in), contiguous :: r(:)
        integer :: k, i, s, dim, j, nc_new, t
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:), Xcw(:,:), Xcw_new(:,:), Xc_new(:,:), Wc_new(:), knot_new(:)
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc4(:,:,:,:)

        if (dir == 1) then ! direction 1

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(1)-1,this%degree(1),Xth(i),this%knot1)
                    if (this%knot1(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot1, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if
                    k = k + 1

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                    do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                        Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                    end do
                    Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                    Xcw = reshape(Xcw,[this%nc(1),this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)*(dim+1)],order=[1,2])

                    call remove_knots_A_5_8(&

                    if (allocated(Xcw)) deallocate(Xcw)

                    if (t == 0) then
                        ! no change
                        nc_new = size(Xcw_new,1)
                        Xcw_new = reshape(Xcw_new,[(nc_new)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3),dim+1],order=[1,2])

                        do j = 1, (nc_new)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)
                            Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                        end do
                        Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                        call this%set(knot1=knot_new, knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                        deallocate(Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)
                    end if
                end do

            else ! B-Spline

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(1)-1,this%degree(1),Xth(i),this%knot1)
                    if (this%knot1(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot1, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if
                    k = k + 1

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                    Xc = reshape(this%Xc,[this%nc(1),this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)*dim])

                    call remove_knots_A_5_8(&

                    if (allocated(Xc)) deallocate(Xc)

                    if (t == 0) then
                        ! no change
                        nc_new = size(Xcw_new,1)
                        Xc_new = reshape(Xc_new,[(nc_new)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3),dim])

                        call this%set(knot1=knot_new, knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new)
                    end if
                end do

            end if

        elseif (dir == 2) then! direction 2

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(2)-1,this%degree(2),Xth(i),this%knot2)
                    if (this%knot2(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot2, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if
                    k = k + 1

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                    do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                        Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                    end do

                    Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xcw, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim+1], order=[2,1,3,4])
                    Xcw = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(2),this%nc(1)*this%nc(3)*(dim+1)])

                    call remove_knots_A_5_8(&

                    if (allocated(Xcw)) deallocate(Xcw)

                    if (t == 0) then
                        ! no change
                        nc_new = size(Xcw_new,1)

                        Xc4 = reshape(Xcw_new, [nc_new,this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                        Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),nc_new,this%nc(3),dim+1], order=[2,1,3,4])
                        Xcw_new = reshape(Xc4,[this%nc(1)*(nc_new)*this%nc(3),dim+1])

                        do j = 1, this%nc(1)*(nc_new)*this%nc(3)
                            Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                        end do

                        Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                        call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=knot_new, knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                        deallocate(Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)
                    end if
                end do

            else ! B-Spline

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(2)-1,this%degree(2),Xth(i),this%knot2)
                    if (this%knot2(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot2, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if
                    k = k + 1

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                    Xc4 = reshape(this%Xc, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim], order=[2,1,3,4])
                    Xc = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(2),this%nc(1)*this%nc(3)*dim])

                    call remove_knots_A_5_8(&

                    if (allocated(Xc)) deallocate(Xc)

                    if (t == 0) then
                        ! no change
                        nc_new = size(Xcw_new,1)

                        Xc4 = reshape(Xc_new, [nc_new,this%nc(1),this%nc(3),dim])
                        Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),nc_new,this%nc(3),dim], order=[2,1,3,4])
                        Xc_new = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1)*(nc_new)*this%nc(3),dim])

                        call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=knot_new, knot3=this%get_knot(3), Xc=Xc_new)
                    end if
                end do

            end if

        elseif (dir == 3) then! direction 3

            if (allocated(this%Wc)) then ! NURBS

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(3)-1,this%degree(3),Xth(i),this%knot3)
                    if (this%knot3(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot3, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if
                    k = k + 1

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)
                    do j = 1, size(this%Xc,1)
                        Xcw(j,1:dim) = this%Xc(j,1:dim)*this%Wc(j)
                    end do
                    Xcw(:,dim+1) = this%Wc(:)

                    Xc4 = reshape(Xcw, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim+1])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim+1], order=[3,2,1,4])
                    Xcw = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2)*this%nc(1)*(dim+1)])

                    call remove_knots_A_5_8(&

                    if (allocated(Xcw)) deallocate(Xcw)

                    if (t == 0) then
                        ! no change
                        nc_new = size(Xcw_new,1)

                        Xc4 = reshape(Xcw_new, [nc_new,this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim+1])
                        Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),nc_new,dim+1], order=[3,2,1,4])
                        Xcw_new = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*(nc_new),dim+1])

                        do j = 1, this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*(nc_new)
                            Xc_new(j,1:dim) = Xcw_new(j,1:dim)/Xcw_new(j,dim+1)
                        end do
                        Wc_new(:) = Xcw_new(:,dim+1)

                        call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=knot_new, Xc=Xc_new, Wc=Wc_new)
                        deallocate(Xcw_new, Xc_new, Wc_new)
                    end if
                end do

            else ! B-Spline

                do i = 1, size(Xth)
                    k = findspan(this%nc(3)-1,this%degree(3),Xth(i),this%knot3)
                    if (this%knot3(k+1) == Xth(i)) then
                        s = compute_multiplicity(this%knot3, Xth(i))
                        s = 0
                    end if
                    k = k + 1

                    dim = size(this%Xc,2)

                    Xc4 = reshape(this%Xc, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),this%nc(3),dim])
                    Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim], order=[3,2,1,4])
                    Xc = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(3),this%nc(2)*this%nc(1)*dim])

                    call remove_knots_A_5_8(&

                    if (allocated(Xc)) deallocate(Xc)

                    if (t == 0) then
                        ! no change
                        nc_new = size(Xcw_new,1)

                        Xc4 = reshape(Xc_new, [nc_new,this%nc(2),this%nc(1),dim])
                        Xc4 = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1),this%nc(2),nc_new,dim], order=[3,2,1,4])
                        Xc_new = reshape(Xc4, [this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*(nc_new),dim])

                        call this%set(knot1=this%get_knot(1), knot2=this%get_knot(2), knot3=knot_new, Xc=Xc_new)
                    end if
                end do

            end if

            error stop 'Invalid direction.'
        end if

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_elem(this) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:,:)

        call elemConn_Cn(this%nc(1), this%nc(2), this%nc(3),&
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine rotate_Xc(this, alpha, beta, theta)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, theta
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)
            this%Xc(i, :) = matmul(rotation(alpha,beta,theta), this%Xc(i, :))
        end do
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine rotate_Xg(this, alpha, beta, theta)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, theta
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, this%ng(1)*this%ng(2)*this%ng(3)
            this%Xg(i, :) = matmul(rotation(alpha,beta,theta), this%Xg(i, :))
        end do
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine translate_Xc(this, vec)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: vec(:)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)
            this%Xc(i, :) = this%Xc(i, :) + vec
        end do
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine translate_Xg(this, vec)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: vec(:)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, this%ng(1)*this%ng(2)*this%ng(3)
            this%Xg(i, :) = this%Xg(i, :) + vec
        end do
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    impure subroutine show(this, vtkfile_Xc, vtkfile_Xg)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: vtkfile_Xc, vtkfile_Xg
        character(len=3000) :: pyvista_script

        pyvista_script = &
            "import pyvista as pv"//achar(10)//&
            "pv.global_theme.color = 'white'"//achar(10)//&
            "Xc ='"//trim(vtkfile_Xc)//"')"//achar(10)//&
            "Xg ='"//trim(vtkfile_Xg)//"')"//achar(10)//&
            "p = pv.Plotter(lighting='light kit')"//achar(10)//&
            "actor_Xcp = p.add_mesh("//achar(10)//&
            "    Xc,"//achar(10)//&
            "    style='points',"//achar(10)//&
            "    point_size=10,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='red',"//achar(10)//&
            "    render_points_as_spheres=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "    opacity=0.5,"//achar(10)//&
            "actor_Xcw = p.add_mesh("//achar(10)//&
            "    Xc,"//achar(10)//&
            "    show_edges=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='yellow',"//achar(10)//&
            "    line_width=3,"//achar(10)//&
            "    style='wireframe',"//achar(10)//&
            "    opacity=0.2"//achar(10)//&
            "actor_Xg = p.add_mesh("//achar(10)//&
            "    Xg,"//achar(10)//&
            "    show_edges=False,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='cyan',"//achar(10)//&
            "    line_width=7,"//achar(10)//&
            "    metallic=0.6,"//achar(10)//&
            "    pbr=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "    split_sharp_edges=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "def point_picker_callback(point):"//achar(10)//&
            "    mesh = Xc"//achar(10)//&
            "    point_id = mesh.find_closest_point(point)"//achar(10)//&
            "    point_coords = mesh.points[point_id]"//achar(10)//&
            "    label = f'ID: {point_id + 1}\n({point_coords[0]:.3f}, {point_coords[1]:.3f}, {point_coords[2]:.3f})'"//achar(10)//&
            "    p.add_point_labels("//achar(10)//&
            "        [point_coords],"//achar(10)//&
            "        [label],"//achar(10)//&
            "        font_size=14,"//achar(10)//&
            "        text_color='black',"//achar(10)//&
            "        show_points=False,"//achar(10)//&
            "        fill_shape=False,"//achar(10)//&
            "        shape=None,"//achar(10)//&
            "    )"//achar(10)//&
            "picker = p.enable_point_picking(callback=point_picker_callback, show_message=False)"//achar(10)//&
            "window_size = p.window_size"//achar(10)//&
            "y_pos = window_size[1]"//achar(10)//&
            "def Xcp_toggle_vis(flag):"//achar(10)//&
            "    actor_Xcp.SetVisibility(flag)"//achar(10)//&
            "def Xcw_toggle_vis(flag):"//achar(10)//&
            "    actor_Xcw.SetVisibility(flag)"//achar(10)//&
            "def Xg_toggle_vis(flag):"//achar(10)//&
            "    actor_Xg.SetVisibility(flag)"//achar(10)//&
            "    Xcp_toggle_vis,"//achar(10)//&
            "    value=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color_on='red',"//achar(10)//&
            "    size=25,"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(0, y_pos - 1 * 25),"//achar(10)//&
            "    Xcw_toggle_vis,"//achar(10)//&
            "    value=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color_on='yellow',"//achar(10)//&
            "    size=25,"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(0, y_pos - 2 * 25),"//achar(10)//&
            "    Xg_toggle_vis,"//achar(10)//&
            "    value=True,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color_on='cyan',"//achar(10)//&
            "    size=25,"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(0, y_pos - 3 * 25),"//achar(10)//&
            "    'Xc (Points)',"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(25 + 3, y_pos - 1 * 25),"//achar(10)//&
            "    font_size=8,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='black',"//achar(10)//&
            "    font='times',"//achar(10)//&
            "    'Xc (Control geometry)',"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(25 + 3, y_pos - 2 * 25),"//achar(10)//&
            "    font_size=8,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='black',"//achar(10)//&
            "    font='times',"//achar(10)//&
            "    'Xg (Geometry)',"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(25 + 3, y_pos - 3 * 25),"//achar(10)//&
            "    font_size=8,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='black',"//achar(10)//&
            "    font='times',"//achar(10)//&
            "p.add_text('ForCAD', position=(0.0, 10.0), font_size=14, color='black', font='times')"//achar(10)//&
            "    '',"//achar(10)//&
            "    position=(0.0, 0.0),"//achar(10)//&
            "    font_size=7,"//achar(10)//&
            "    color='blue',"//achar(10)//&
            "    font='times',"//achar(10)//&
            "'ForCAD', interactive=True)"

        call execute_command_line('python -c "'//trim(adjustl(pyvista_script))//'"')
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_ring(this, center, radius1, radius2, length)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: center(:)
        real(rk), intent(in) :: radius1, radius2, length
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:), Wc(:), knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Define control points for ring
        allocate(Xc(28, 3))
        Xc(1,:) = [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(2,:) = [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        0.0_rk]
        Xc(3,:) = [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(4,:) = [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(5,:) = [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(6,:) = [ 1.0_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk),        0.0_rk]
        Xc(7,:) = [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]

        Xc(1:7,1:2) = Xc(1:7,1:2) * radius1

        Xc(8,:) = [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(9,:) = [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        0.0_rk]
        Xc(10,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(11,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(12,:)= [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(13,:)= [ 1.0_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk),        0.0_rk]
        Xc(14,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]

        Xc(8:14,1:2) = Xc(8:14,1:2) * radius2

        Xc(15,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(16,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        length]
        Xc(17,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]
        Xc(18,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(19,:)= [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]
        Xc(20,:)= [ 1.0_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk),        length]
        Xc(21,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]

        Xc(15:21,1:2) = Xc(15:21,1:2) * radius1

        Xc(22,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(23,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        length]
        Xc(24,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]
        Xc(25,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(26,:)= [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]
        Xc(27,:)= [ 1.0_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk),        length]
        Xc(28,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]

        Xc(22:28,1:2) = Xc(22:28,1:2) * radius2

        ! Translate the control points
        do i = 1, size(Xc, 1)
            Xc(i,:) = center + Xc(i,:)
        end do

        ! Define weights for the control points
        Wc = [1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk]

        ! Define knot vector
        knot1 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk/3.0_rk, 1.0_rk/3.0_rk, 2.0_rk/3.0_rk, 2.0_rk/3.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]
        knot2 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]
        knot3 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]

        ! Set knot vector, control points, and weights
        call this%set(knot1, knot2, knot3, Xc, Wc)
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_C(this, center, radius1, radius2, length)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: center(:)
        real(rk), intent(in) :: radius1, radius2, length
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:), Wc(:), knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Define control points for C-shape
        allocate(Xc(20, 3))
        Xc(1,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(2,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        0.0_rk]
        Xc(3,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(4,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(5,:)= [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]

        Xc(1:5,1:2) = Xc(1:5,1:2) * radius1

        Xc(6,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(7,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        0.0_rk]
        Xc(8,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(9,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              0.0_rk]
        Xc(10,:)=[-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, 0.0_rk]

        Xc(6:10,1:2) = Xc(6:10,1:2) * radius2

        Xc(11,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(12,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        length]
        Xc(13,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]
        Xc(14,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(15,:)= [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]

        Xc(11:15,1:2) = Xc(11:15,1:2) * radius1

        Xc(16,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(17,:)= [ 1.0_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk),        length]
        Xc(18,:)= [-0.5_rk,  sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]
        Xc(19,:)= [-2.0_rk,  0.0_rk,              length]
        Xc(20,:)= [-0.5_rk, -sqrt(3.0_rk)/2.0_rk, length]

        Xc(16:20,1:2) = Xc(16:20,1:2) * radius2

        ! Translate the control points
        do i = 1, size(Xc, 1)
            Xc(i,:) = center + Xc(i,:)
        end do

        ! Define weights for the control points
        Wc = [1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 1.0_rk]

        ! Define knot vector
        knot1 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk/2.0_rk, 1.0_rk/2.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]
        knot2 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]
        knot3 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]

        ! Set knot vector, control points, and weights
        call this%set(knot1, knot2, knot3, Xc, Wc)
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine set_half_ring(this, center, radius1, radius2, length)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: center(:)
        real(rk), intent(in) :: radius1, radius2, length
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xc(:,:), Wc(:), knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Define control points for half ring
        allocate(Xc(20, 3))
        Xc(1,:)  = [ 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(2,:)  = [ 0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(3,:)  = [ 0.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(4,:)  = [-0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(5,:)  = [-0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]

        Xc(1:5,1:2) = Xc(1:5,1:2) * radius1

        Xc(6,:)  = [ 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(7,:)  = [ 0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(8,:)  = [ 0.0_rk, 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(9,:)  = [-0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk]
        Xc(10,:) = [-0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk]

        Xc(6:10,1:2) = Xc(6:10,1:2) * radius2

        Xc(11,:) = [ 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, length]
        Xc(12,:) = [ 0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, length]
        Xc(13,:) = [ 0.0_rk, 0.5_rk, length]
        Xc(14,:) = [-0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, length]
        Xc(15,:) = [-0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, length]

        Xc(11:15,1:2) = Xc(11:15,1:2) * radius1

        Xc(16,:) = [ 0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, length]
        Xc(17,:) = [ 0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, length]
        Xc(18,:) = [ 0.0_rk, 0.5_rk, length]
        Xc(19,:) = [-0.5_rk, 0.5_rk, length]
        Xc(20,:) = [-0.5_rk, 0.0_rk, length]

        Xc(16:20,1:2) = Xc(16:20,1:2) * radius2

        ! Translate the control points
        do i = 1, size(Xc, 1)
            Xc(i,:) = center + Xc(i,:)
        end do

        ! Define weights for the control points
        Wc = [1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk,&
            1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk/sqrt(2.0_rk), 1.0_rk]

        ! Define knot vector
        knot1 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk/2.0_rk, &
            1.0_rk/2.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]
        knot2 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]
        knot3 = [0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 1.0_rk]

        ! Set knot vector, control points, and weights
        call this%set(knot1, knot2, knot3, Xc, Wc)
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine nearest_point(this, point_Xg, nearest_Xg, nearest_Xt, id)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: point_Xg(:)
        real(rk), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: nearest_Xg(:)
        real(rk), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: nearest_Xt(:)
        integer, intent(out), optional :: id
        integer :: id_
        real(rk), allocatable :: distances(:)

        distances = nearest_point_help_3d(this%ng, this%Xg, point_Xg)

        id_ = minloc(distances, dim=1)
        if (present(id)) id = id_
        if (present(nearest_Xg)) nearest_Xg = this%Xg(id_,:)
        if (present(nearest_Xt)) nearest_Xt = this%Xt(id_,:)
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    impure subroutine nearest_point2(this, point_Xg, tol, maxit, nearest_Xt, nearest_Xg)

        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(in) :: point_Xg(:)
        real(rk), intent(in) :: tol
        integer, intent(in) :: maxit
        real(rk), intent(out) :: nearest_Xt(3)
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: nearest_Xg(:)
        real(rk):: obj, grad(3), hess(3,3), dk(3), alphak, tau, beta, lower_bounds(3), upper_bounds(3)
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:), xk(:), xkn(:), Tgc(:), dTgc(:,:), d2Tgc(:,:)
        integer :: k, l
        logical :: convergenz
        type(nurbs_volume) :: copy_this

        alphak = 0.0_rk
        dk = 0.0_rk
        k = 0

        ! lower and upper bounds
        lower_bounds = [minval(this%knot1), minval(this%knot2), minval(this%knot3)]
        upper_bounds = [maxval(this%knot1), maxval(this%knot2), maxval(this%knot3)]

        ! guess initial point
        copy_this = this
        call copy_this%create(50,50,50)
        call copy_this%nearest_point(point_Xg=point_Xg, nearest_Xt=xk)
        call copy_this%finalize()

        ! Check if xk is within the knot vector range
        if (xk(1) < minval(this%knot1)) then
            xk(1) = minval(this%knot1)
        else if (xk(1) > maxval(this%knot1)) then
            xk(1) = maxval(this%knot1)
        end if

        if (xk(2) < minval(this%knot2)) then
            xk(2) = minval(this%knot2)
        else if (xk(2) > maxval(this%knot2)) then
            xk(2) = maxval(this%knot2)
        end if

        if (xk(3) < minval(this%knot3)) then
            xk(3) = minval(this%knot3)
        else if (xk(3) > maxval(this%knot3)) then
            xk(3) = maxval(this%knot3)
        end if

        xkn = xk

        convergenz = .false.

        ! allocate(dTgc(size(this%Xc,1), 2))
        ! allocate(d2Tgc(size(this%Xc,1), 2))

        do while (.not. convergenz .and. k < maxit)

            ! objection, gradient and hessian
            Xg = this%cmp_Xg(xk)
            call this%derivative2(Xt=xk, d2Tgc=d2Tgc, dTgc=dTgc, Tgc=Tgc) ! Tgc is not needed

            obj = norm2(Xg - point_Xg) + 0.001_rk ! add a small number to avoid division by zero

            grad(1) = dot_product((Xg-point_Xg)/obj, matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc))
            grad(2) = dot_product((Xg-point_Xg)/obj, matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc))
            grad(3) = dot_product((Xg-point_Xg)/obj, matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc))

            hess(1,1) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(1:this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)                                      ,1),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,1), this%Xc))*grad(1) ) / obj**2
            hess(2,1) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)+1:2*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)   ,1),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,2), this%Xc))*grad(1) ) / obj**2
            hess(3,1) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(2*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)+1:3*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3) ,1),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,3), this%Xc))*grad(1) ) / obj**2
            hess(1,2) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(1:this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)                                      ,2),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,1), this%Xc))*grad(2) ) / obj**2
            hess(2,2) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)+1:2*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)   ,2),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,2), this%Xc))*grad(2) ) / obj**2
            hess(3,2) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(2*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)+1:3*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3) ,2),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,3), this%Xc))*grad(2) ) / obj**2
            hess(1,3) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,1),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(1:this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)                                      ,3),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,1), this%Xc))*grad(3) ) / obj**2
            hess(2,3) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,2),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)+1:2*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)   ,3),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,2), this%Xc))*grad(3) ) / obj**2
            hess(3,3) = ( dot_product(matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc), matmul(dTgc(:,3),this%Xc)) + dot_product((Xg-point_Xg), &
                matmul(d2Tgc(2*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3)+1:3*this%nc(1)*this%nc(2)*this%nc(3) ,3),this%Xc)) ) /obj &
                - ( dot_product(Xg-point_Xg, matmul(dTgc(:,3), this%Xc))*grad(3) ) / obj**2

            ! debug
            print '(i3,1x,3e20.10,1x,e20.10)', k, xk, norm2(grad)

            if (norm2(grad) <= tol .or. (k>0 .and. norm2(xk-xkn) <= tol)) then
                convergenz = .true.
                nearest_Xt = xk
                if (present(nearest_Xg)) nearest_Xg = this%cmp_Xg(nearest_Xt)

                dk = - matmul(inv(hess), grad)

                ! Backtracking-Armijo Line Search
                alphak = 1.0_rk
                tau = 0.5_rk     ! 0 < tau  < 1
                beta = 1.0e-4_rk ! 0 < beta < 1
                l = 0
                do while (.not. norm2(this%cmp_Xg(xk + alphak*dk) - point_Xg) <= obj + alphak*beta*dot_product(grad,dk) .and. l<50)
                    alphak = tau * alphak
                    l = l + 1
                end do

                xkn = xk
                xk = xk + alphak*dk
                ! Check if xk is within the knot vector range
                xk = max(min(xk, upper_bounds), lower_bounds)
                k = k + 1
            end if
        end do

    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_elemFace(this, elem, face) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: elem
        integer, intent(in) :: face
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:)
        integer :: n(3), ii, jj, k

        !> number of nodes in each direction
        n = this%degree + 1

        select case(face)
            elemConn = this%elemConn(elem, 1 : n(1)*n(2))
            elemConn = this%elemConn(elem, n(1)*n(2)*n(3)-n(1)*n(2)+1 : n(1)*n(2)*n(3))
            k = 0
            do jj = 1, n(3)
                do ii = 1, n(1)
                    k = k+1
                    elemConn(k) = this%elemConn(elem, n(1)*n(2)*jj + ii - n(1)*n(2))
                end do
            end do
            k = 0
            do jj = 1, n(3)
                do ii = 1, n(1)
                    k = k+1
                    elemConn(k) = this%elemConn(elem, n(1)*n(2)*jj + ii - n(1))
                end do
            end do
            do ii = 1, n(2)*n(3)
                elemConn(ii) = this%elemConn(elem, n(1)*ii - n(1) + 1)
            end do
            do ii = 1, n(2)*n(3)
                elemConn(ii) = this%elemConn(elem, n(1)*ii)
            end do
        end select
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_elemFace_Xc_vis(this, elem, face) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: elem
        integer, intent(in) :: face
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:)
        integer :: n(3), ii, jj, k

        !> number of nodes in each direction
        n = [2,2,2]

        select case(face)
            elemConn = this%elemConn_Xc_vis(elem, 1 : n(1)*n(2))
            elemConn = this%elemConn_Xc_vis(elem, n(1)*n(2)*n(3)-n(1)*n(2)+1 : n(1)*n(2)*n(3))
            k = 0
            do jj = 1, n(3)
                do ii = 1, n(1)
                    k = k+1
                    elemConn(k) = this%elemConn_Xc_vis(elem, n(1)*n(2)*jj + ii - n(1)*n(2))
                end do
            end do
            k = 0
            do jj = 1, n(3)
                do ii = 1, n(1)
                    k = k+1
                    elemConn(k) = this%elemConn_Xc_vis(elem, n(1)*n(2)*jj + ii - n(1))
                end do
            end do
            do ii = 1, n(2)*n(3)
                elemConn(ii) = this%elemConn_Xc_vis(elem, n(1)*ii - n(1) + 1)
            end do
            do ii = 1, n(2)*n(3)
                elemConn(ii) = this%elemConn_Xc_vis(elem, n(1)*ii)
            end do
        end select
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_elemFace_Xg_vis(this, elem, face) result(elemConn)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: elem
        integer, intent(in) :: face
        integer, allocatable :: elemConn(:)
        integer :: n(3), ii, jj, k

        !> number of nodes in each direction
        n = [2,2,2]

        select case(face)
            elemConn = this%elemConn_Xg_vis(elem, 1 : n(1)*n(2))
            elemConn = this%elemConn_Xg_vis(elem, n(1)*n(2)*n(3)-n(1)*n(2)+1 : n(1)*n(2)*n(3))
            k = 0
            do jj = 1, n(3)
                do ii = 1, n(1)
                    k = k+1
                    elemConn(k) = this%elemConn_Xg_vis(elem, n(1)*n(2)*jj + ii - n(1)*n(2))
                end do
            end do
            k = 0
            do jj = 1, n(3)
                do ii = 1, n(1)
                    k = k+1
                    elemConn(k) = this%elemConn_Xg_vis(elem, n(1)*n(2)*jj + ii - n(1))
                end do
            end do
            do ii = 1, n(2)*n(3)
                elemConn(ii) = this%elemConn_Xg_vis(elem, n(1)*ii - n(1) + 1)
            end do
            do ii = 1, n(2)*n(3)
                elemConn(ii) = this%elemConn_Xg_vis(elem, n(1)*ii)
            end do
        end select
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure function cmp_degreeFace(this, face) result(degree)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: face
        integer :: degree(3)

        select case (face)
            degree = [this%degree(1), this%degree(2), 0]
            degree = [this%degree(1), this%degree(2), 0]
            degree = [this%degree(1), 0, this%degree(3)]
            degree = [this%degree(1), 0, this%degree(3)]
            degree = [0, this%degree(2), this%degree(3)]
            degree = [0, this%degree(2), this%degree(3)]
          case default
            error stop 'Invalid face number'
        end select
    end function

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine ansatz(this, ie, ig, Tgc, dTgc_dXg, dV)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: ie, ig
        real(rk), intent(out) :: dV
        real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:), dTgc_dXg(:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable :: Xth(:,:), Xth_e(:,:), Xth_eT(:,:), Xc_eT(:,:), Xth1(:), Xth2(:), Xth3(:), Xksi(:,:), Wksi(:)
        integer, allocatable :: elem_th(:,:), elem_c(:,:), elem_ce(:)
        type(nurbs_volume) :: th, th_e
        real(rk), allocatable :: dTtth_dXksi(:,:), Ttth(:), dTgc_dXt(:,:), Xt(:), dXt_dXksi(:,:), dXg_dXt(:,:)
        real(rk), allocatable :: dXg_dXksi(:,:) !! Jacobian matrix
        real(rk) :: det_dXg_dXksi !! Determinant of the Jacobian matrix

        call gauss_leg([0.0_rk, 1.0_rk], [0.0_rk, 1.0_rk], [0.0_rk, 1.0_rk], this%degree, Xksi, Wksi)

        Xth1 = unique(this%knot1)
        Xth2 = unique(this%knot2)
        Xth3 = unique(this%knot3)
        call ndgrid(Xth1, Xth2, Xth3, Xth)
        call th%set([0.0_rk,Xth1,1.0_rk], [0.0_rk,Xth2,1.0_rk], [0.0_rk,Xth3,1.0_rk], Xth)
        elem_th = th%cmp_elem()

        elem_c = this%cmp_elem()

        Xth_e = Xth(elem_th(ie,:),:)
        call th_e%set([0.0_rk,0.0_rk,1.0_rk,1.0_rk], [0.0_rk,0.0_rk,1.0_rk,1.0_rk], [0.0_rk,0.0_rk,1.0_rk,1.0_rk], Xth_e)

        Xth_eT = transpose(Xth_e)
        elem_ce = elem_c(ie,:)
        Xc_eT = transpose(this%Xc(elem_ce,:))

        call th_e%derivative(Xksi(ig,:), dTtth_dXksi, Ttth)
        Xt = matmul(Xth_eT, Ttth)
        dXt_dXksi = matmul(Xth_eT, dTtth_dXksi)

        call this%derivative(Xt, dTgc_dXt, Tgc, elem_ce)
        dXg_dXt = matmul(Xc_eT, dTgc_dXt)

        dTgc_dXg = matmul(dTgc_dXt, inv(dXg_dXt))

        dXg_dXksi = matmul(dXg_dXt, dXt_dXksi)
        det_dXg_dXksi = det(dXg_dXksi)

        dV = det_dXg_dXksi*Wksi(ig)
    end subroutine

    !> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
    !> license: BSD 3-Clause
    pure subroutine cmp_volume(this, volume)
        class(nurbs_volume), intent(inout) :: this
        real(rk), intent(out) :: volume
        real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:), dTgc_dXg(:,:)
        integer :: ie, ig
        real(rk) :: dV, dV_ig

        volume = 0.0_rk
        do ie = 1, size(this%cmp_elem(),1)
            dV = 0.0_rk
            do ig = 1, size(this%cmp_elem(),2)
                call this%ansatz(ie, ig, Tgc, dTgc_dXg, dV_ig)
                dV = dV + dV_ig
            end do
            volume = volume + dV
        end do
    end subroutine

end module forcad_nurbs_volume

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Xg_nurbs_3d(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, Xc, Wc) result(Xg)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(Xg(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), size(Xc,2)))

    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3)
        Tgc = kron(basis_bspline(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)),&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1))))
        Tgc = Tgc*(Wc/(dot_product(Tgc,Wc)))
        Xg(i,:) = matmul(Tgc, Xc)
    end do
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Xg_nurbs_3d_1point(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, Xc, Wc) result(Xg)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:)


    Tgc = kron(basis_bspline(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)),&
        basis_bspline(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
        basis_bspline(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1))))
    Tgc = Tgc*(Wc/(dot_product(Tgc,Wc)))
    Xg = matmul(Tgc, Xc)
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Xg_bspline_3d(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, Xc) result(Xg)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:,:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(Xg(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), size(Xc,2)))
    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3)
        Xg(i,:) = matmul(kron(basis_bspline(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)), kron(&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1)))),&
    end do
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Xg_bspline_3d_1point(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, Xc) result(Xg)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Xg(:)

    Xg = matmul(kron(basis_bspline(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)), kron(&
        basis_bspline(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
        basis_bspline(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1)))),&
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_dTgc_nurbs_3d_vector(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, Wc, dTgc, Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dBi(:,:), dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Bi(:), B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(dTgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))
    allocate(Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)), dBi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
        call basis_bspline_der(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), dB1, B1)
        call basis_bspline_der(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), dB2, B2)
        call basis_bspline_der(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), dB3, B3)

        Bi  = kron( B3, kron( B2,  B1))
        Tgc(i,:) = Bi*(Wc/(dot_product(Bi,Wc)))

        dBi(:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
        dBi(:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
        dBi(:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)

        dTgc(i,:,1) = ( dBi(:,1)*Wc - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        dTgc(i,:,2) = ( dBi(:,2)*Wc - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        dTgc(i,:,3) = ( dBi(:,3)*Wc - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    end do
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_dTgc_nurbs_3d_scalar(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, Wc, dTgc, Tgc, elem)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: elem(:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:), dBi(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: B1(:), B2(:), B3(:), Bi(:)

    call basis_bspline_der(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), dB1, B1)
    call basis_bspline_der(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), dB2, B2)
    call basis_bspline_der(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), dB3, B3)

    if (.not. present(elem)) then
        allocate(dTgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
        allocate(dBi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3), Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))

        Bi = kron( B3, kron( B2,  B1))
        Tgc = Bi*(Wc/(dot_product(Bi,Wc)))

        dBi(:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
        dBi(:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
        dBi(:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)

        dTgc(:,1) = ( dBi(:,1)*Wc - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        dTgc(:,2) = ( dBi(:,2)*Wc - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        dTgc(:,3) = ( dBi(:,3)*Wc - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        allocate(dTgc(size(elem), 3))
        allocate(dBi(size(elem), 3), Bi(size(elem)))

        associate(Biall => kron( B3, kron( B2,  B1)))
            Bi = Biall(elem)
            Tgc = Bi*(Wc(elem)/(dot_product(Bi,Wc(elem))))
        end associate

        associate(dB1all => kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1), dB2all => kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1), dB3all => kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1))
            dBi(:,1) = dB1all(elem)
            dBi(:,2) = dB2all(elem)
            dBi(:,3) = dB3all(elem)
        end associate

        dTgc(:,1) = ( dBi(:,1)*Wc(elem) - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc(elem)) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc(elem))
        dTgc(:,2) = ( dBi(:,2)*Wc(elem) - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc(elem)) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc(elem))
        dTgc(:,3) = ( dBi(:,3)*Wc(elem) - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc(elem)) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc(elem))
    end if
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_dTgc_bspline_3d_vector(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, dTgc, Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(dTgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))

    do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
        call basis_bspline_der(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), dB1, B1)
        call basis_bspline_der(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), dB2, B2)
        call basis_bspline_der(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), dB3, B3)

        Tgc(i,:) = kron(B3, kron(B2, B1))

        dTgc(i,:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
        dTgc(i,:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
        dTgc(i,:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)
    end do

end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_dTgc_bspline_3d_scalar(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, dTgc, Tgc, elem)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: elem(:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)

    call basis_bspline_der(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), dB1, B1)
    call basis_bspline_der(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), dB2, B2)
    call basis_bspline_der(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), dB3, B3)

    if (.not. present(elem)) then
        allocate(dTgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))

        Tgc = kron(B3, kron(B2, B1))
        dTgc(:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
        dTgc(:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
        dTgc(:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)
        allocate(dTgc(size(elem), 3))

        associate(B => kron(B3, kron(B2, B1)))
            Tgc = B(elem)
        end associate

        associate(dB1 => kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1), dB2 => kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1), dB3 => kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1))
            dTgc(:,1) = dB1(elem)
            dTgc(:,2) = dB2(elem)
            dTgc(:,3) = dB3(elem)
        end associate
    end if
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_nurbs_3d_vector(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, Wc, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_2der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: d2Tgc(:,:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: d2Bi(:,:), d2B1(:), d2B2(:), d2B3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dBi(:,:), dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Bi(:), B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgci(:), dTgci(:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(B1(nc(1)), B2(nc(2)), B3(nc(3)))
    allocate(dB1(nc(1)), dB2(nc(2)), dB3(nc(3)))
    allocate(d2B1(nc(1)), d2B2(nc(2)), d2B3(nc(3)))
    allocate(Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)), dBi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3), d2Bi(3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))

    allocate(Tgci(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)), dTgci(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))
    allocate(d2Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), 3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(dTgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))
    do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
        call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), d2B1, dB1, B1)
        call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), d2B2, dB2, B2)
        call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), d2B3, dB3, B3)

        Bi = kron(B3, kron(B2, B1))

        Tgc(i,:) = Bi*(Wc/(dot_product(Bi,Wc)))

        dBi(:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
        dBi(:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
        dBi(:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)

        dTgc(i,:,1) = ( dBi(:,1)*Wc - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        dTgc(i,:,2) = ( dBi(:,2)*Wc - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        dTgc(i,:,3) = ( dBi(:,3)*Wc - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)

        d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),d2B1)
        d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
        d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
        d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
        d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2) = kron(kron(B3,d2B2),B1)
        d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
        d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
        d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
        d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3) = kron(kron(d2B3,B2),B1)

        d2Tgc(i, 1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1) = (d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1)*Wc &
            - 2.0_rk*dTgc(i, :,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc)                                  &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1) = (d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1)*Wc &
            - dTgc(i, :,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) - dTgc(i, :,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, 2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1) = (d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1)*Wc &
            - dTgc(i, :,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(i, :,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, 1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2) = (d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2)*Wc &
            - dTgc(i, :,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) - dTgc(i, :,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2) = (d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2)*Wc &
            - 2.0_rk*dTgc(i, :,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc)                                  &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, 2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2) = (d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2)*Wc &
            - dTgc(i, :,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(i, :,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, 1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3) = (d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3)*Wc &
            - dTgc(i, :,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(i, :,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3) = (d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3)*Wc &
            - dTgc(i, :,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(i, :,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
        d2Tgc(i, 2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3) = (d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3)*Wc &
            - 2.0_rk*dTgc(i, :,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc)                                  &
            - Tgc(i,:)*dot_product(d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    end do
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_nurbs_3d_scalar(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, Wc, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_2der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: d2Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: d2Bi(:,:), d2B1(:), d2B2(:), d2B3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dBi(:,:), dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Bi(:), B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)

    allocate(B1(nc(1)), B2(nc(2)), B3(nc(3)))
    allocate(dB1(nc(1)), dB2(nc(2)), dB3(nc(3)))
    allocate(d2B1(nc(1)), d2B2(nc(2)), d2B3(nc(3)))
    allocate(Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)), dBi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3), d2Bi(3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))

    allocate(d2Tgc(3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(dTgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))

    call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), d2B1, dB1, B1)
    call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), d2B2, dB2, B2)
    call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), d2B3, dB3, B3)

    Bi = kron(B3, kron(B2, B1))

    Tgc = Bi*(Wc/(dot_product(Bi,Wc)))

    dBi(:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
    dBi(:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
    dBi(:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)

    dTgc(:,1) = ( dBi(:,1)*Wc - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    dTgc(:,2) = ( dBi(:,2)*Wc - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    dTgc(:,3) = ( dBi(:,3)*Wc - Tgc*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) ) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)

    d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),d2B1)
    d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
    d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
    d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
    d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2) = kron(kron(B3,d2B2),B1)
    d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
    d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
    d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
    d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3) = kron(kron(d2B3,B2),B1)

    d2Tgc(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1) = (d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1)*Wc &
        - 2.0_rk*dTgc(:,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc)                               &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1) = (d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1)*Wc &
        - dTgc(:,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) - dTgc(:,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1) = (d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1)*Wc &
        - dTgc(:,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(:,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2) = (d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2)*Wc &
        - dTgc(:,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) - dTgc(:,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2) = (d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2)*Wc &
        - 2.0_rk*dTgc(:,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc)                               &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2) = (d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2)*Wc &
        - dTgc(:,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(:,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3) = (d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3)*Wc &
        - dTgc(:,1)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(:,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,1),Wc) &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3) = (d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3)*Wc &
        - dTgc(:,2)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc) - dTgc(:,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,2),Wc) &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
    d2Tgc(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3) = (d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3)*Wc &
        - 2.0_rk*dTgc(:,3)*dot_product(dBi(:,3),Wc)                               &
        - Tgc*dot_product(d2Bi(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3),Wc)) / dot_product(Bi,Wc)
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_bspline_3d_vector(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_2der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: d2Tgc(:,:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: d2B1(:), d2B2(:), d2B3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(d2Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), 3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(dTgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))
    do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
        call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), d2B1, dB1, B1)
        call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), d2B2, dB2, B2)
        call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), d2B3, dB3, B3)

        Tgc(i,:) = kron(B3, kron(B2, B1))

        dTgc(i,:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
        dTgc(i,:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
        dTgc(i,:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)

        d2Tgc(i,1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),d2B1)
        d2Tgc(i,nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
        d2Tgc(i,2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
        d2Tgc(i,1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
        d2Tgc(i,nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2) = kron(kron(B3,d2B2),B1)
        d2Tgc(i,2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
        d2Tgc(i,1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
        d2Tgc(i,nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
        d2Tgc(i,2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3) = kron(kron(d2B3,B2),B1)
    end do
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure subroutine compute_d2Tgc_bspline_3d_scalar(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, d2Tgc, dTgc, Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline_2der, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: d2Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: dTgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: Tgc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: d2B1(:), d2B2(:), d2B3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: dB1(:), dB2(:), dB3(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: B1(:), B2(:), B3(:)

    allocate(d2Tgc(3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    allocate(dTgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3), 3))
    call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1), d2B1, dB1, B1)
    call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2), d2B2, dB2, B2)
    call basis_bspline_2der(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3), d2B3, dB3, B3)

    Tgc = kron(B3, kron(B2, B1))

    dTgc(:,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),dB1)
    dTgc(:,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),B1)
    dTgc(:,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),B1)

    d2Tgc(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,1) = kron(kron(B3,B2),d2B1)
    d2Tgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,1) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
    d2Tgc(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,1) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
    d2Tgc(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,2) = kron(kron(B3,dB2),dB1)
    d2Tgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,2) = kron(kron(B3,d2B2),B1)
    d2Tgc(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,2) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
    d2Tgc(1:nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)                       ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,B2),dB1)
    d2Tgc(nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)   ,3) = kron(kron(dB3,dB2),B1)
    d2Tgc(2*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)+1:3*nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) ,3) = kron(kron(d2B3,B2),B1)
end subroutine

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Tgc_nurbs_3d_vector(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng, Wc) result(Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:,:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgci(:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))
    do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
        Tgci = kron(basis_bspline(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)), kron(&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1))))
        Tgc(i,:) = Tgci*(Wc/(dot_product(Tgci,Wc)))
    end do
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Tgc_nurbs_3d_scalar(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, Wc) result(Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Wc(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:)

    Tgc = kron(basis_bspline(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)), kron(&
        basis_bspline(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
        basis_bspline(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1))))
    Tgc = Tgc*(Wc/(dot_product(Tgc,Wc)))
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Tgc_bspline_3d_vector(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc, ng) result(Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:,:)
    integer :: i

    allocate(Tgc(ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3), nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3)))
    do i = 1, size(Xt, 1)
        Tgc(i,:) = kron(basis_bspline(Xt(i,3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)), kron(&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
            basis_bspline(Xt(i,1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1))))
    end do
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function compute_Tgc_bspline_3d_scalar(Xt, knot1, knot2, knot3, degree, nc) result(Tgc)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk, basis_bspline, kron

    implicit none
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xt(:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: knot1(:), knot2(:), knot3(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: degree(3)
    integer, intent(in) :: nc(3)
    real(rk), allocatable :: Tgc(:)

    Tgc= kron(basis_bspline(Xt(3), knot3, nc(3), degree(3)), kron(&
        basis_bspline(Xt(2), knot2, nc(2), degree(2)),&
        basis_bspline(Xt(1), knot1, nc(1), degree(1))))
end function

!> author: Seyed Ali Ghasemi
!> license: BSD 3-Clause
impure function nearest_point_help_3d(ng, Xg, point_Xg) result(distances)
    use forcad_utils, only: rk

    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: ng(3)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: Xg(:,:)
    real(rk), intent(in), contiguous :: point_Xg(:)
    real(rk), allocatable :: distances(:)
    integer :: i

    do i = 1, ng(1)*ng(2)*ng(3)
        distances(i) = norm2(Xg(i,:) - point_Xg)
    end do

end function